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Ohio AG to allow arming school staff as first responders.


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I will never understand the reaction from the heavy set short-haired woman in that video. To understand a badguy can get into a school so easily and be so against the best first responder option is odd to me.

well, guns are evil evil evil.

Either that, or people that say that are evil evil evil.

Pick one.

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We actually polled our teachers on their thoughts of how to improve safety in our school. One of the questions was, "Would you support allowing staff that has their conceal carry license to bring their weapon on campus?" The response was about 85% no. Another question was, "Would you carry a gun at school if training was available?" The response was 95% no.

That's was the result from my staff of 74. Obviously this can and would vary by school. I will point out that from the conversations I have had about this topic the staff, most all women, are uncomfortable with the idea of having guns in the safe area as children. This is true even of women that were in the military, married to military or married to police officers. All said they disliked guns in thier homes and wouldn't want them in the school.

Just tossing it out there. IMHO we may want to gather more information from educators vs politicians and general public.

Also in one of the threads, laziness, they were discussing a "school Marshall" and paying them. Please remember that most educators are making less than 40K a year with Masters degrees and 80K+ in student loans.


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Americans aren't Israelis. We're a soft' date=' spoiled lot that believes we should be able to live free just because of where we are born. I don't think most teachers have the constitution to do what is necessary when a child's life is threatened. I don't believe most Americans do, either.[/quote']

I don't necessarily disagree with that. I would have put it differently, but yes. I know many teachers, most have zero interest in guns. My principal is former military. He was a Green Baret he has offered to take staff shooting many occasions. I'm the only one who ever has gone with him.

The last part is why we should value our troops so much. Most, myself included, as I never served, do not or would not have what it takes to defend our country.

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I didn't mean it as a slag. It's just my opinion' date=' but it doesn't apply to the military. I believe we are a very blessed nation. Lots of heroes among us... just not warriors.[/quote']

Agreed, no ill taken from your statement. I think this pretty much sums up what is happening for most. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

Sheep, guard dogs, and wolves. Pick one. Choose wisely.

All have pros and cons. It really depends what your purpose is.

Apple, orange, bananna. All fruits, but offer us different vitamins. Just depends on what you need.

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