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President Obama's true agenda emerges.


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Yes his "true agenda" of doing exactly what he said he was going to do in the campaign...

Oh man, you're hilarious. You've either drank so much of the Kool Aid you're about to bust through a wall yelling, "Oh yea!", or you're trolling harder than Jrmmiiiiiiiiiii. Done exactly what he said he was going to do in his campaign? :lol:

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Yes, shared sacrifice, raising taxes higher on rich people while raising taxes less on middle class people, that's what I heard during his campaign... what did you hear?
Shared sacrifice is not $41 in new taxes for every $1 spending cut. :lol:

Here's just a few things you must not have heard during his campaigning (2008 and 2012):

Require automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans

Require automatic enrollment in IRA plans

Require publicly traded financial partnerships to pay the corporate income tax

Expand the child and dependent care credit

Eliminate all oil and gas tax loopholes

Close loopholes in the corporate tax deductibility of CEO pay

Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners

Provide option for a pre-filled-out tax form

Create a mortgage interest tax credit for non-itemizers

End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000

Create a retirement savings tax credit for low incomes

End no-bid contracts above $25,000

Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridges

Tax carried interest as ordinary income

Sign the Employee Free Choice Act, making it easier for workers to unionize

Lift the payroll tax cap on earnings above $250,000

Forbid companies in bankruptcy from giving executives bonuses

Allow workers to claim more in unpaid wages and benefits in bankruptcy court

Require full disclosure of company pension investments to employees

Allow imported prescription drugs

Prevent drug companies from blocking generic drugs

Allow Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug prices

Appoint federal-level coordinator to oversee all federal autism efforts

Double federal funding for cancer research

Direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive study of federal cancer initiatives

Provide the CDC $50 million in new funding to determine the most effective approaches for cancer patient care

Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Create a National Commission on People with Disabilities, Employment, and Social Security

Change federal rules so small businesses owned by people with disabilities can get preferential treatment for federal contracts.

Reduce the threshhold for the Family and Medical Leave Act from companies with 50 employees to companies with 25 employees

Provide a $1.5 billion fund to help states launch programs for paid family and medical leave

Require employers to provide seven paid sick days per year

Amend the Medicare "homebound" rule to allow some travel without loss of benefits

Reduce the Veterans Benefits Administration claims backlog

Expand the Family Medical Leave Act to include leave for domestic violence or sexual assault

Form international group to help Iraq refugees

Provide at least $2 billion for services to Iraqi refugees

Work with Russia to move nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert

Clarify legal status for defense contractor personnel

Double U.S. spending on foreign aid to $50 billion a year by 2012

Establish a Global Education Fund

Launch a new 'America's Voice Corps'

Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center

Develop an alternative to President Bush's Military Commissions Act on handling detainees

Restore habeas corpus rights for "enemy combatants"

Establish regulations to secure chemical plants

Improve port security through better radiation detection

Strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and double its budget in the next four years

Secure ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)

Require companies to disclose personal information data breaches

Seek to negotiate a political agreement on Cyprus

Create loan sanctions to stop private creditors from lending to repressive regimes

With the G-8, launch Health Infrastructure 2020

Reinstate special envoy for the Americas

Double the Peace Corps

Seek independent watchdog agency to investigate congressional ethics violations

Create a public "Contracts and Influence" database

Expose Special Interest Tax Breaks to Public Scrutiny

Allow five days of public comment before signing bills

Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials

Double funding for Federal Charter School Program and require more accountability

Double funding for afterschool programs

Support college credit initiatives

Create scholarships to recruit new teachers

Regulate pollution from major livestock operations

Expand the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity

Urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws

Support repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

Sign the Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act into law

Eliminate caps on damages for discrimination cases

Ban racial profiling by federal law enforcement agencies

Encourage videotaping of interrogations in capital cases

Create a prison-to-work incentive program

Allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms of a home mortgage

Increase the supply of affordable housing throughout metropolitan regions

Increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour

Restore Superfund program so that polluters pay for clean-ups

Fully fund the COPS program

Support tax deduction for artists

Re-establish the National Aeronautics and Space Council

Support human mission to moon by 2020

Direct revenues from offshore oil and gas drilling to increased coastal hurricane protection

Provide incentives to draw employers into areas hardest-hit by Katrina

Create a national catastrophe insurance reserve

Establish a Global Energy Corps to promote green energy in developing countries

Expand service-learning in schools

Pay for the national service plan without increasing the deficit

Seek treaty to control fissile materials

Encourage diversity in media ownership

Improve and prioritize student science assessments

Reduce the number of middle managers in the federal workforce

Limit subsidies for agribusiness

Strengthen anti-monopoly laws to favor independent farmers

Give tax incentives to new farmers

Strengthen the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Limit term of director of national intelligence

Call for a consultative group of congressional leaders on national security

Give annual "State of the World" address

Reduce earmarks to 1994 levels

Work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers

Establish a low carbon fuel standard

Require 25 percent renewable energy by 2025

Enact windfall profits tax for oil companies

Create cap and trade system with interim goals to reduce global warming

Use revenue from cap and trade to support clean energy and environmental restoration

Require plug-in fleet at the White House

Require new federal fleet purchases to be half plug-in hybrids or electric vehicles

Require more flex-fuel cars for the federal government

Mandate flexible fuel vehicles by 2012

Double federal program to help "reverse" commuters who go from city to suburbs

Require energy conservation in use of transportation dollars

Provide an annual report on "state of our energy future"

Devote federal resources to promote cellulosic ethanol

Sign the Freedom of Choice Act

Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009

Give the White House's Privacy and Civil Liberties Board subpoena power

Recognize the Armenian genocide

No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."

Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN

Create a public option health plan for a new National Health Insurance Exchange.

Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda

Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

The emphasis is mine. Now mind you, many of those I'm glad he didn't actually follow through on, but definitely don't say he's just doing what he said he'd do. He has a long way to go before anyone can claim that. Now put that Kool Aid down.

PS: I'm middle class. My taxes are going up a lot. I'd be okay with that if cuts vs new taxes was dollar for dollar. But taxing me to pay for social programs instead of making cuts is not helping the middle class.

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you stole some of what I posted up on a social network:

"Tax breaks for the middle class", right? Who knew that Dear Leader would lie to get re-elected?

And this just in: Dear Leader says "...we raised taxes, but the rich still aren't paying their share.."

For the umpteenth time, the top 1% pay ~37% of all fed. income tax; the top 5%, ~59%; and the top 10%, 70.5%. But they're not paying enough...

Stop spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave! $4.5 Trillion in additional spending over 10 years. $1 cut for every $41 spent. No budgets passed during Dear Leader's term, either.

Wait 'til people start complaining about "the TeaBaggers/TeaTards/Evil Republicans" stalling on the debt ceiling. We're already at $16.5 Trillion in debt - do we really need to go higher? Certain folks think we do, others think we don't need to/shouldn't/can't afford to.

~$2400 a year just from payroll/S.S. in federal taxes for this guy.

I'm willing to do my part so we can continue to spend our tax dollars on frivolous programs, welfare, and other countries.

I am a true patriot.

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you stole some of what I posted up on a social network:

What blows my mind though, I know someone who is approaching 60 years old, has been having a hard time finding and keeping a job, finally found a job that gives 8 hours a week, doesn't qualify for welfare. ??? After paying into the system for over 40 years, someone who actually needs it can't get it.

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NBC, msnbc.com and news services updated 2/3/2009 10:21:14 PM ET

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Tuesday abruptly abandoned his nomination fight for Tom Daschle and a second major appointee who failed to pay all their taxes, telling NBC News: "I screwed up."

"I’ve got to own up to my mistake. Ultimately, it's important for this administration to send a message that there aren't two sets of rules — you know, one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks who have to pay their taxes," Obama said on NBC’s "Nightly News with Brian Williams."

Marginal Tax Rate[8]


Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er)

Married Filing Separately

Head of Household


$0 – $8,700

$0 – $17,400

$0 – $8,700

$0 – $12,400


$8,701 – $35,350

$17,401 – $70,700

$8,701 – $35,350

$12,401 – $47,350


$35,351 – $85,650

$70,701 – $142,700

$35,351 – $71,350

$47,351 – $122,300


$85,651 – $178,650

$142,701 – $217,450

$71,351 – $108,725

$122,301 – $198,050


$178,651 – $388,350

$217,451 – $388,350

$108,726 – $194,175

$198,051 – $388,350






I see 9 different rules. Not that these are Obama's fault.

Edited by Gump
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:dunno: Would they qualify if they have no job? Assets too high?

they have a car that is worth maybe $2K - their only asset. This is the thing that confuses me, it must be better to not work than to try to work a part time job.

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dependency upon the government - that is what's being fostered.

confiscating more from "producers" - DearLeader was trying to convince/condition/brainwash you that it is the right thing to do when he made his "...you didn't build that, the government did..." speech. After all, since "the rich" didn't do anything to earn the money they have, then it's OK for the government to take it from them and re-distribute it to those who don't have as much, right?

Edited by jblosser
grammar (not grandpa)
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they have a car that is worth maybe $2K - their only asset. This is the thing that confuses me, it must be better to not work than to try to work a part time job.

You said "they", maybe married, and one is collecting social security? I think you can apply at 61. Never really researched this topic. Sarcastically, They need to have some kids, or just pregnant, then they'll get paid.

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I live in a small area but just looking around lately we have several small chain stores closing and a local restaurant just laid off 19 people to get under the magic obamacare number of 50 employees. A local landscaping business that has been a mainstay of the community just closed as of the first of this month. A local factory interviewed 114 people for jobs in October but put them on hold after the November election..... the list goes on. This left wing lunatic that occupies the white house is killing our economy. It appears that it is purely intentional.

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