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Seems a little odd now they are putting gun show accidents in the news?


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True and there is no constitution right to drive a car. Hmmmm how many people die in car "accidents"?

Maybe we need common sense car regulations!

I demand universal background checks before purchasing, owning, leasing, renting, or driving a car. Eliminate the private sale loophole for automobiles and motorcycles. Common sense speed limiters to 35 mph. Lets not forget mandatory breath analyzers in all motorized vehicles. I also insist on mandatory training!

We must do this for the children!

Edited by crb
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True and there is no constitution right to drive a car. Hmmmm how many people die in car "accidents"?

Maybe we need common sense car regulations!

I demand universal background checks before purchasing, owning, leasing, renting, or driving a car. Eliminate the private sale loophole for automobiles and motorcycles. Common sense speed limiters to 35 mph. Lets not forget mandatory breath analyzers in all motorized vehicles. I also insist on mandatory training!

We must do this for the children!

I know you're just trolling but we do mandate training to operate a car on public roads. It's called the driving test.

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I know you're just trolling but we do mandate training to operate a car on public roads. It's called the driving test.

A test isn't equal to training.

Im serious lets apply these common sense regulations to other things. Do you dispute that more peolpe die in car accidents than with firearms? Background checks and mandatory training to exercise your 1st amendment right? Restrictions on high word capacity articles for newspapers?

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you mean like how they do with guns already? :eek:

Like with everything that they shouldn't have if they are criminal or violent or mentally unstable or simply incapable.

It's not really the artifact, it's some of the people that are not trustworthy.

In rural communities and small cities it just isn't a problem.

Everyone would probably know and deal with it as best they could.

Not true in the larger urban environments.

And that's where we find the large concentrations of everything generally unacceptable to society and mass quantities of violent behavior.

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More laws trying to regulate, ban, register, etc motor vehicles probably wouldn't work anyway.

People would just pay cash, borrow or steal one when they needed it.

oh wait...

Stiff penalties for straw car purchasers.

It's for the children.

Do you hate children?

Don't you want safer roads for the children?

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I think the 1st Amendment only applies to iron quill pens, or whatever they used back then. It doesn't apply to computers or modern newspapers. :rolleyes:

EXACTLY! The founders couldn't have imagined the computers, pens, printers, etc of today.

Its common sense! :lol:

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Or the lack of Common Sense.

"sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts."

"Often ideas that may be considered to be true by common sense are in fact false."

cum hoc ergo propter hoc - a faulty assumption that correlation between two variables implies that one causes the other.

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Magz' date=' stop posting with Jeff's computer. You're making him sound like an idiot.[/quote']


I can't speak for Magz since I don't think I ever engaged him face-to-face on this topic, but I can speak for myself when I say that statement could be viewed as "ermahgerd, scurry gerns!", I'm not afraid of them and enjoy them. What I am afraid of is idiot people like the guy that broke my Beretta, the same dude that tried to load 7.62x54R ammo into a SKS, and snap-caps in a pistol, then complained when it wouldn't shoot after dry-firing it about 15 times. People like that legitimately give a bad name to "responsible gun owners", and I'd even venture to argue that people like that are responsible for the majority of non-violent, gun-related injuries of either themselves or others because of their abject stupidity and/or unwillingness to take training classes.

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Yes. More less-than-educated gun folks out there than I'd like to imagine' date=' but that doesn't mean they're more dangerous than someone driving a car with reckless abandonment. Your statement about the purpose of a gun vs the purpose of a car was silly. The instrument is not important. The tool controlling the instrument is. Magz likes to draw the same conclusion as you.

Just as you posted under your dog pic, which is a gem, by the way... the idiots that don't know dick about guns are not as prominent as those that are responsible. If that were not the case, we'd have a serious issue on our hands... which we don't. What we have is a truckload of derp overflowing a donkey cart.[/quote']

The attempted correlation of the car vs the gun was equally as silly.

And I always trot out my Sunday best for you. :)

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i skipped all the stuff in the middle cause it's been said a gazillion times over on just this forum (not to mention every other forum on the internets, which apparently, i'm on every single one)

i am disgusted that some gun owners (a very small fraction, but still) can't even do the most basic of safety checks, which is clearing the fucking chamber. what the FUCK is wrong with people? i know we're not perfect, and we all make mistakes, forget stuff, whatever, but the timing couldn't have been worse.

if you can't handle self responsibility, then prepare to embrace regulation and legislation.

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Since you asked...

In 2008, according to the CDC (source here from UPenn) there were 73,622 incidents of non-fatal firearms injuries in the US. 73% of those were interpersonal violence related, so for purposes of this discussion I'm going to assume that 73% of that number was intentional violence. That still leaves 19,877, which translates to 1656 per month, or 59 per day. So no, I don't believe this is coincidence. For "responsible gun owners", 59 a day is a pretty large number. Since I laid my cards on the table, please cite evidence explaining why this is some sort of media conspiracy.

Of those 59/day how many were at gun shows? Like recon stated people who aren't familiar with guns are now rushing in to buy them without the training you say they should get. Who fault would that be? Maybe the people pushing bullshit legislation creating a panic buy economy? Still you have nothing to show that counters my thoughts.

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i skipped all the stuff in the middle cause it's been said a gazillion times over on just this forum (not to mention every other forum on the internets, which apparently, i'm on every single one)

i am disgusted that some gun owners (a very small fraction, but still) can't even do the most basic of safety checks, which is clearing the fucking chamber. what the FUCK is wrong with people? i know we're not perfect, and we all make mistakes, forget stuff, whatever, but the timing couldn't have been worse.

if you can't handle self responsibility, then prepare to embrace regulation and legislation.

That's what has me wondering. Why hasn't it happened so often before? Gun shows have been around for a long time.

Yes I understand the media are vultures but would this be as heavily reported if it happened before all this gun control talk? Would it be reported as heavily if it were a pro gun situation? Such as the stories of people using guns for good?

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media is definitely heavily slanted to demonize gun ownership, based on what they think will get people worked up or supportive (ie, whatever will whip up ratings). so that is no surprise. i'm just mad at our fellow gun owners for letting this happen. this is a time for us to strive to get positive press.

maybe it's time to arrange an event where we hold a free, widely accessible gun safety education classes/seminars or something similar. punch and pie and everything. maybe a clown. no on the clown? ok, fine, no clown, but punch and pie stays.

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Of those 59/day how many were at gun shows? Like recon stated people who aren't familiar with guns are now rushing in to buy them without the training you say they should get. Who fault would that be? Maybe the people pushing bullshit legislation creating a panic buy economy? Still you have nothing to show that counters my thoughts.

I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to prove both my arguments and yours. They're your half-assed arguments, go prove them yourself.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to prove both my arguments and yours. They're your half-assed arguments, go prove them yourself.

You haven't proven anything other than people have been injured by guns. Still haven't discredited anything I said.

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