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Broken Nose


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I got my second younger brother hired at my place of employment almost 19 years ago. . . . He works at a different facility than I do at the moment, he had warned the disrespectful 19 yr old punk ass kid to not be Fn with him... Sucker sprayed alcohol on him again and my lil bro went to shove the punk outta the way, kid tripped, bro tripped and on the way to the concrete the punk got his nose punched...drama drama drama.... Lil bro had followed political channels but the punk kept at it.... Bro got three unpaid leave... Had to sign a "last chance" document today to keep his job and release our employer from liability if broke nose decided to sue ...

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Not sure what kind'a response you're looking for on this post, but given the state of the job market and most companies aversion to bad rep, I'd say that he's getting a damn fair shot if he gets to keep his job. Tell him next time...take it out beyond the parking lot gate. Hope it works out for him.

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Wait a min. If I read correctly and your brother did follow proper channels to document punk ass's behavior. If it is documented Your brother can turn this all back on the company. It is after all harassment. I would take my three days off come back and start barking up trees. Maybe he can get his time off paid for. Possibly get punk ass fired. And get his supervisor a serious ass ripping. This could cost your company s fuck ton of money.

I have to deal with it at my job. Its about the only time I see all of my superiors at the same time. Believe it or not it is over some of the most childish shit.

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Best to walk away from it than throw down, but when I was younger I'd have done the same. My current Service Mgr pushed my buttons enough to force me out the door once, my bosses were understanding since the guy is a PsuedoNaziAnus, he was told to apologize so I reminded him how I saved his life that day by walking away :D

Grabbed up my boss back in my early 20's, and even after a choke hold/verbal thrashing I kept my job, without leave but got a writeup for mishandling the situation. Funny how 1 quick, physical lesson can learn a person some fast lessons. But I was ready to brawl at a moments notice in my younger years.

Age, wisdom :rolleyes:, bills, and lower testosterone levels play quite a part in quick decision making later in life :lol:

Edited by Hellmutt
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I got my second younger brother hired at my place of employment almost 19 years ago. . . . He works at a different facility than I do at the moment, he had warned the disrespectful 19 yr old punk ass kid to not be Fn with him... Sucker sprayed alcohol on him again and my lil bro went to shove the punk outta the way, kid tripped, bro tripped and on the way to the concrete the punk got his nose punched...drama drama drama.... Lil bro had followed political channels but the punk kept at it.... Bro got three unpaid leave... Had to sign a "last chance" document today to keep his job and release our employer from liability if broke nose decided to sue ...

If little brother really did report a problem with the kid and the company did nothing even a bad lawyer can make them squirm? If he didnt hes lucky to have a job.

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