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Secured for freedom


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One Goal. To secure our freedom to bear arms by securing our arms when not bearing them.


If you are on Facebook please consider liking this page showing you are a responsible gun owner who not only wants to defend your rights but protect your firearms from theft and needless accidents.;)

Edited by buildit
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I would like to get a safe eventually, but as for now closets work the best for me. :D I can see locking the long guns and ammo up, but I like my pistols to be within close reach and accessibility.

I have a biometric handgun safe beside my bed, all it takes is one touch with my finger and it springs open. You can still keep it locked AND easily accessible :D

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I have a biometric handgun safe beside my bed, all it takes is one touch with my finger and it springs open. You can still keep it locked AND easily accessible :D

That would be great for young kids in the house, I have a 17 year old son that is a gun nut like his old man so that is a non issue. :) A good safe is so damn expensive, almost makes me ill just thinking about how much one is.

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That would be great for young kids in the house, I have a 17 year old son that is a gun nut like his old man so that is a non issue. :) A good safe is so damn expensive, almost makes me ill just thinking about how much one is.

And how much do you have invested in your firearms? $1000, $2000, more? I've seen some very good safes for under $800. People are paying more than that for one gun!;)

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And how much do you have invested in your firearms? $1000, $2000, more? I've seen some very good safes for under $800. People are paying more than that for one gun!;)

My accumulation of boomsticks has been over time, throwing down 800 or more for a safe at once would suck bigtime. :(

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I can't read anything on facingbook but why would I lock up my weapons from myself? My closets work just fine for my needs.

But, if I had kids a safe would make PC sense in today's f'ed up world even though my dad taught me how to respect his firearms....or else....and my kids would learn the same lesson.

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My accumulation of boomsticks has been over time, throwing down 800 or more for a safe at once would suck bigtime. :(

Well, maybe the next time you look at a boom stick you will compare it's price to a good safe.;)

I can't read anything on facingbook but why would I lock up my weapons from myself? My closets work just fine for my needs.

But, if I had kids a safe would make PC sense in today's f'ed up world even though my dad taught me how to respect his firearms....or else....and my kids would learn the same lesson.

And if your kids had friends who's parents were not so well educated?

This is not an act of disarmament. It is an act of defense from a culture full of theft and ignorance. How do parents who have taught their kids to be safe drivers react when their child wrecks a vehicle due to reckless actions? It happens, that is what kids do. Every person makes their own best judgement on what security is. But there is no harm in influencing others to increase their security and safety with firearms. :D

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