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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2008 in Posts

  1. Can't get this song out of my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujjb5ii4tiU
    1 point
  2. I would have given you a chance to play around a little bit more, but I was on my way to the future in-laws for dinner and the street I turned off on was the street that they live off of. For those wondering what this is about, I was headed over for dinner and someone turned off in front of me and I left it in second for a little hit and then I see some black LS1 Z come up on me after I let off. So I hit it in second when he is coming up on me and then grab 3rd and let out due to having to turn. Not really that exciting, but it's nice to see some people are out today.
    1 point
  3. i know this has been brought up a million times but who does the best window tint? i have a camaro so i'd like to have the back window done in one peace
    1 point
  4. Four gay posters just posted above me. True story.
    1 point
  5. someone gave me negative rep points for it
    1 point
  6. i wish i owned a mustang cuz f bodies are gay
    0 points
  7. Gun Control= Hippie tree hugging douche. Why the fuck is it so hard to explain that you DO NOT NEED TO TAKE AWAY LAW ABIDING CITIZENS GUNS. We are not the ones committing the violent crimes. I want to see ACTUAL numbers of crimes that were commited with guns that involved drug or gang violence. Then see how those orginal numbers stack up. How many actual murders were commited with Registered guns by the actual owner of the gun. If they pass a law stating we have to turn in our guns i sure as fuck wont do it they will have to come take them from me.
    0 points
  8. Why do I feel like I just walked into a circle jerk
    0 points
  9. 0 points
  10. 0 points
  11. 0 points
  12. 0 points
  13. I'm looking to buy various american made vehicle parts to do some repairs to a few different older american vehicles, built in the mid 90's. I am looking for a good junk yard before I look into ordering online, dealerships as a last resort. Suggestions on junk yards would be much appreciated....
    -1 points
  14. hey. I'm WhoDey, but you can call me the new guy. I hope I have better luck here than I did at eHarmony!
    -3 points
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