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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2008 in all areas

  1. True Story. Some kits are jetted a good bit differently for the same power levels. It's good to be sure. The 93 stock motor has hyperutectic pistons, so they don't always tend to hold up to as much heat without separating the top ring lands (destroying the piston). I would agree that 75 and work up is always a good idea for these engines and run exactly the fuel/plug gap/ heat range as called for in your kit. You always hear about people running way more, so it's tempting to jump right into 125-150+, but a 75 horsepower (and likely 100 or so foot pounds of torque) increase will be significant. Just like Jetting, different brand kits call for different stuff for each power level, so just make sure you are equipped accordingly for the shot size. 10Sec93 made some ungodly amount of runs on a stock 93 bottom end with anywhere from 100 to 200hp (maybe it was a 225)... It lasted alot longer than I thought it would... but it didn't last forever. Eventually he toasted some pistons, but that's proof that as long as you stick to the kit's guidelines and check your plugs often to keep an eye on things you'll be safe (safe-er).
    1 point
  2. i wouldnt be afraid to put a 100 shot on your car. but over that im not sure.. with the cast pistons and all you do not need a tune, but if it were me i would want a dyno pull or two to make sure my a/f is on par when im in the juice. you shouldnt need to change the plugsout, but you can go one step colder and timing as well... stock timing should be fine, but i you want to take precautions you can bump the timing down a few degree. id say get on the button affter 3k rpm. thats when i usually hit mine, but we did hit it at 2300 on the dyno to gt big tq numbers. and yes you want your nitrous line outside of the car. have someone who knows what they are doing install it and make sure you have the right jets in.. every manufacturer is diferent or the jet sizing to do what hp rating.
    1 point
  3. I not scared of corners. How else would you enter the return lane to get back to the staging lanes!!! Oh yeah, welcome.
    1 point
  4. You're an idiot. You, sir, just got positive rep points.
    0 points
  5. Yes, we have done got it in that I own a ricer!! It's ok now...........really...it is. Not a comment on how clean it is for the year Nissan?
    -1 points
  6. the entire GTA series never interested me, so ill skip this one.
    -1 points
  7. -1 points
  8. your right I fail...the next time you pull up to a light and a teenage girl is driving the same car as you remember that I'm the failure.
    -1 points
  9. i understand... i wasent directly asking for the $ anyways.. noe i feel bad.. i know i have to do it on my own.. its all good. i have found just about enough throught the day today.. so i should be good to go.. thanks for keeping the burner down as you flamed..lol
    -1 points
  10. Ok. Ok. Ok. I got it. From now on I will not use a million periods in my post's I have worked eveyday just like you guys. If you knew me outside of this forum. you would know that i have been turning wrenches, flipping burgers, and working in a warehouse. I got my first job when I was 15, and I havent missed a day yet. I never call sick days, and I have never taken a vacation, AND I DONT MOOCH. I swear this was not me just asking for money. I still work 60hrs a week as it is. I dont live at home with mommy. My dad is in prison, and I pay for all my own shit. Not saying that means anything to you guys, but I build my car just like you. With the money that I make. I did save a dime because im a FUCKING IDIOT Im sorry i posted this up. My intentions were not for someone to feel bad for me. I just had an idea, and spoke before i thought. I like this forum alot, and their is alot of good people and info in here. I did not intend on insulting those who have had to work hard, and sleep on a single mattres to make it. Please just close this out. Thanks for all the post's though. It gave me the chance to see that im not special. I just have to go.
    -2 points
  11. Ok... i am well prepared to get flamed for this... I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY YET....however im asking what you guys think the outcome would be if i asked for like $5 from every member... for a little help to start college... i have an ongoing thread about me starting... and i know that everyone that has gone... had to do it the hard way... and i totaly respect that... im just asking what you guys think about it... i think that if someone else possted this... i would give them $5 knowing that $5 x 200 people would pay for my whole first quarter... seeing as how the goverment dosent want to give me a dime.... and my parents dont care about what i do in my life... OK FLAME AWAY
    -4 points
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