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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2008 in all areas

  1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8X9lTasvPfg I know there is a longer version of it so if anyone has it let me know, I wanna burn it to a cd..
    1 point
  2. ok this is my check list for friday night, if I call your name please say here and accept the chalenge. sam tbss with spray 50 roll I get a car and the go steve tru blu weve already spoke thorne the fagget with the orange srt 4that is always talking shit brandon wewe will 40 roll on the way up there mgd 50 roll spray the stang I think that's it, if I forgot anyone I will post more. see you bitches friday. flame away
    1 point
  3. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2008/05/29/story_fisherrd_crash.html
    1 point
    1 point
  5. "We have learned the location of an uncontacted tribe, so in the interests of preserving them, we are going to go scare the shit out of them with a Helicopter." In a week, they'll all be dead. Half of them will want to worship the helicopter, half with want to worship the old gods, and they'll kill eachother over it just like we do.
    1 point
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXUMjB1nsyU&feature=related
    1 point
  7. So i guess we can go ahead and follow that up wit the BEST song I personally have ever heard in my entire life. -Scott
    1 point
  8. Waitin on that 40roll.... Nice powa man!
    1 point
  9. You are not allowed to comment on anything that is ugly.
    1 point
  10. Eric did you get the IPS timing switch as well? Car is making some great power. I dunno how your car hooks on the street but if it doesnt on spray, talk to brandon in getting a shnitz 2 controller progressive box. It will make a world of difference. Also it would help on your short times at the track.
    1 point
  11. After adjusting some tire pressure issues....10.15 @ 132 with a 1.40 60' that is all
    1 point
  12. cleaning up ? im confused? did i liter? throw up on your couch? spill red drink on your carpet? its a forum, if you take any of this shit that personal you shouldnt be on here. ive seen way worse than saying i was going to bash someone, you must be the low man on the totem poll at work, so when you get on cr you feel like the shit dont cha? :asshole:
    0 points
  13. why that could be very realistic. Someone cuts someone else off or flips them the bird, next thing you know you got 2 fast cars chasing one another and end up wrecking....just saying its possible
    0 points
  14. It wasn't that loud....If would were in another zip code! hahaha http://s98.photobucket.com/albums/l265/mojosvt/?action=view&current=Few03cobra411runs.flv
    0 points
  15. Is this question seriously still up in the air? The layout is more like a 904 without a top. The boxer flat engine sits as low as possible, as centrally located as possible.
    -1 points
  16. -1 points
  17. you need a life thorne lol im jk
    -1 points
  18. I know this is shady, but jack it from an unsuspecting person at the mall if it's so easy to take? lol. not going to lie, when I lost a center cap off my infiniti, parking lots were like a goldmine
    -2 points
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