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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2008 in all areas

  1. His pricing was better then anyone i got it from including hal and the other "side job" people. and he seems pretty honest. and most mechincs b/s too no end about shit that they think they know. i wish i would have taken my cobra to him but oh well...... he'll get my bussiness from now on..
    1 point
  2. [Derail] As a long-time deeply-rooted Mustang squirrel, I resent this. On some level it makes me want to "bring it on" in a The Rock sorta way, not the Jamie Presley way (building another one, not flexing my eMuscle, by the way). You're costing me money here ya' bastards. Anyone wanna buy a sweet Jeep and fund the end-all of Fox body projects??? [/Derail] But, then I take a breath and remember it's the internets... where wars are waged over simply nothing... never leaving a true winnar... then I move on while carefully rinsing the sand from my vag and absorbing back into the real world.
    1 point
  3. Whats up my name's Scott. I have an 87 dodge shelby charger that is currently not running and a 2004 r6. I live in Kent. Any other Kent area locals? http://a882.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/99/l_8829141ccdbd4968914bbeaba0ed5d29.jpg http://a535.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/91/l_77cd6321032a83a9bec5f604b993707e.jpg
    0 points
  4. Hey guys here is a pic of my penis just in case you wanted to see it also http://gay.skinindex.com/archives/big%20uncut%20black%20dick.jpg
    -1 points
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