ACORN is nothing compared to Blackwell's 2004 campaign agains voters. Furthermore, the claims you're hearing about are grossly exaggerated. On top of that, the verty leak of information regarding any investigation during an election year is in direct violation of Federal Law. YOu bet you right ass cheak that the events surounding ACORN are 100% partisan and 0% legitimate.
Tell me this: Is some one who's trying to perpetrate voter fraud and actually get away with it going to register the name "Mickey Mouse" and hope no one notices? Hell no. The claims made against ACORN are highly duboius. It would surpise me one bit to find that the operatives giulting of fabricating the bogus registration were registered reublicans. What better way to subvert a registration effort?
Here's something the rightwing news outlets have left out: Who blew the whistle on ACORN?ACORN itself. That verify, as outlined by law, every registraion that comes across their desk. It is they're own efforts that has caught the "Mickey Mouse" registrations and multiple registration attempts. They're working to make sure that false registrants don't make it to the polls, and they're cooperating fully with the investigation.
"ACORN is committing voter fraud! They've turned in hundreds and thousands of fraudulent registration forms!" Of course they turned them in, they're required to BY LAW.
Something else to consider: "Suspcious registrations"? What constitutes that? Given that you need to list an adress to register, there is a long list of legitimate voters who can do nothing but submit a "suspicious" registration:
Homeless people who live in shelters
Students living in dorms, but registering adresses at home.
People who'd recently moved.
Here is evidence that your vote can be taken away from you, literally stealing your right to vote, and all you care to do is try to change the subject so BS that Fox News fed you? Pathetic, you are every bit the Republican mouthpeice that other accuse you of being. You don't care about this because the people raping the country are on "your side". If we actually had a clean election in this country, you'd see just how lonely and outnumbered you ultra conservatives are. This isn't any of that simple "limiting" your rights crap that everyone sings about, this is outright theft of your most important right.
Throwing out votes is the only way the GOP can win this election now, you bet your ass they'll continue doing it.