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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2008 in all areas

  1. Hey all, This is Nate from Lancaster, Ohio. I live on Sheridan Drive. My ride is a 92 Camaro RS 3.1 v6. It's a pretty slow car really. There aren't many mods for the 60*V6's - Sometimes I wish I had a Mustang instead, there's all kinds of things available for those. They don't even make a supercharger for the 3.1. Mods - Ploy Transmission mounts accel ign coil Performance disty and rotor button with brass connections iroc-z dual snorkel intake spohn wonderbar energy suspension poly endlinks all new car audio and custom interior pieces. 180* Thermostat
    1 point
  2. Something has been done... CR is back to normal! Did Phil or Paul get banned? KillJoy
    1 point
  3. I generally stay far away from threads like this one but there are a great number of Really stupid replies in this thread. Keep in mind I have over 30 years in the work force. All heavy industry not some gay assed IT crap. My work years have been split almost equally in management and hourly. I have worked and managed in both union and non union environments. We have all seen the unions protect people that don't do there jobs. I have seen people that have lost there jobs unfairly in non-union environments. The arguments that unions don't help everyone's wages are just plain wrong. I worked in a basin in Wyo that had large deposits of a raw ore. This ore would be mined underground then refined on the surface into many very dangerous chemicals. Two of the facilities were union two were not. I worked in one of the non-union facilities. When the union facilities got a good contract we would get a good raise, they always kept us close but it was always less. Our facility was by far the most profitable in the basin. I believe one of the main reasons is we didn't have the rigid work rules the union did. We worked as a team, maintenance and production, electricians, millwrights, welders we all worked together and made things happen without bullshit rules that slowed our success. BUT what good was it if ALL of the extra money went right into some fat cat motherfucker in another countries pocket??????????????? The only reason we were paid as well as we were was to keep us close to being in line with the union. They paid us no more than they absolutely had to. It had NOTHING to do with our efforts, skills nor the facilities profitability. You people are really naive if you believe that companies with non union work forces are not deterred from treating people unfairly because it draws the unions in. The union on the whole will hurt a companies profitability by reducing productivity and increasing payroll costs do to increased wages. So you can work in a facility that is more efficient and profitable but sucks it all off and fucks over its workers OR you can work in a place that is less profitable, pays better and protects worthless fucks. As far as the UAW's troubles, fucked up stupid management decisions are as much to blame as the unions. Anyone with an absolute opinion and makes statements like unions should be against the law needs to go to work at Walmart.
    1 point
  4. Here's a couple pics before/after the clear fronts - I might get better gas mileage under water lol - http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn45/shavedfun/DSC02731.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn45/shavedfun/camarocoolingfanhelp001.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn45/shavedfun/camarocoolingfanhelp003.jpg
    1 point
  5. yeah... sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade. lol - but seriously, I had a mulletish thing going on in highschool. Since I got out of the navy it's just been the whole no hair haircut thing. lol. I should probably mention that my car looks so good b/c it sat in a garage for 10 years without being started. I bought it from this strange old man in Jackson ohio. When I got the car I had to replace 90% of the sensors, freeze plugs, thermostat - it was all rusted to shit. lol But the body looks great from underneath - no rust at all.
    0 points
  6. Of course it was sold at a loss! A brand new jet was sold used on ebay, the problem is that the last governor bought the damn thing! So the other plane is out for maintenance a lot, is it a shitty plane or are you trying to say its some kind of conspiracy, ooooo! If I could fly alaskan airlines I would to... http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/10/22/128691884503563767.jpg
    0 points
  7. I fucking hated dealing with the union employees. So lazy, bitch about everything, hate doing the job i asked them to do, but if I'd try doing it for them, or just help them because they were getting blown out of the water with work, they'd file a grievance on me. I'm sorry i tried to help, holy shit. I "stole" work/hours.... work and hours that they were too big of pieces of shit to do a lot of the time and hours they wasted by going to take a piss 10 minutes after break just got over. Even when we'd try to give them recognition they complained because the could only have one hot dog, a bag of chips and one pop. I'm sorry we had 300 other employees to feed on that same shift. Finally we just quit doing it because we were sick of hearing their shit when we tried to reward them That's why i did a lot of paper work and documentation because not even the union could protect them from being fired when I showed up to hearings with a stack of on job observations that showed incompetency, poor work ethic, unsafe acts and refusal to fix discussed problems. Fuck unions Oh and Tyler, you honestly think teamsters are the ones paying for your benefits? The company is paying for them, the union isn't paying for shit for you. The union there didn't even get the benefits for the employees to begin with. Your union stewards are the most crooked people you'll meet. They get paid off so often just to keep the supervisors out of trouble. Your pay raises aren't shit really. All the money you pay to the union each month, pretty much goes to the vacation funds of the heads of the teamsters union. They actually wanted me to tell you thanks for the new Benz too. And really, your job security isn't as good as you think, if your supe wants you gone, he/she just has to do some paper work, it's just most are too lazy to do it. I've seen union employees that have been there over 30 years lose their jobs just from some of the paperwork the supervisor did on them. God I hate unions /rant
    0 points
  8. you dont have a clue what you are talking about if it was not for unions companys would have you working for nothing unions keeps wages up you might not belive it but if you work for a company i hope you dont think they care about you if they could pay you $5.00 a hour they would
    -1 points
  9. I can scan my owners manual if you like man. I really doubt it's lost any after only 80k.
    -1 points
  10. That post was full of info... Just because you drive a ricer honda man, don't hate on my car. I was pissed about how low 140 was, you seem to be pissed at how high it is. Why don't you google it since you seem to know everything about the 3.1 v6
    -1 points
  11. Hey everybody, I'm Stefan and I currently drive an '02 IS300. I know I've been a member on here since 2004, but I'm just getting around to using the site cause, well... ...I don't really wanna explain why I've not been using the site until now, however I will be on here frequently now. Are there meets I can go to around here on like a weekly or bi-weekly or even monthly basis? If so where and when? Thanks in advance. I would show you pictures of my IS, although I seem to be a moron currently and am not sure how to post a picture. If somebody would inform me then I will happily post pictures. Thanks.
    -3 points
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