omg your right i drive a pos. a pos that breaks all the time. but heres a thought for you 2 ass lovers, my $ isnt all tied up into my cars like your dumbasses, i pay fully for my own school and have more money in savings and stocks so when i graduate i can take my money out and buy my store out right as well as the store in florida. and hal i could give two less shits what you think of me, i used to enjoy fucking with you because it was fun, but now your just a whiney complaining bitch. all you do is bitch bitch bityou think cr is going down hill because of the people joining? who gives a shit, its the fucking internet. there is no life long gain in cr, its a web site, you take this shit so serious and for what? so you can feel like you mean somthing in the world? what a stupid fuck you are, maybe you should stop treating cr like its fucking match maker and clam the hell down.
and as for you tyler, my car is such a pos why havent you ever beat me? i mean your car is such a monster right? wrong, your p.o.s is just as bad as anyone elses on here, so dont jump into this fire cuz i seriously see your hours getting cut.