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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2009 in all areas

  1. hi i enjoy the cars and speed trash talking to . i have alot of cars 57 chevy firbird elcamino buick amc i like them all but ford haha just never had any luck with them my wife and kid are into cars as well hope to talk to ya guys soon
    1 point
  2. I found this program on another board im on and found it to be hilarious. Please give it some time to load its well worth it http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090228124515240
    1 point
  3. When I started looking I knew I wouldn't get a red or white Miata unless it was extremely cheap. I would have accepted black, but they are too popular too. I never meant to get the same color as my dad's (Mazda only made it in BRG in '91 and '01) but I couldn't pass up the deal I got. It has almost everything I wanted to do anyways, the Turbo and stock look being the main things. I'd be more than happy to give rides at Autocross. I mostly go to the Miata Club ones, but I think I'm going to try SCCA a few times this season if I can figure out how to drive a relatively high boost turbo on the course. Most people don't even realize it's a turbo until they get pushed back in their seat or hear the BOV. That's probably one of my favorite things about the car, it's such a sleeper! If you have the money and your dad will let you, definitely go FI. It doesn't mess with the 50/50 weight distribution and its plenty fast when you want it but still can get 35+ mpg on the highway if your easy on it. Thanks for all the welcomes and the pleasant surprise of no one hating on Miatas. haha
    1 point
  4. i started back in august and havent been back on till today. i have been tryin to get my blown lx wrapped up for spring if it ever comes. i am looking for my last part, an 80mm mass air meter for 42#'ers. if anyone knows where a used but good one is please let me know. thanks guys. im still trying to build up my rep so i can post some of my tons of great parts for 5.0 stangs. including parts from: trick flow, ford racing, bbk, hypertech, march, nx, zex, tons of body parts for 86-93 mustangs. thanks guys all help would be much appreciated. talk at you later.
    -1 points
  5. Hey, my name is Matt I am new to fast cars I have no idea what I am doing with them. By joining the site I hope to learn as much as possible. I'm plan on building a sick car but all i have is a pos Acura Integra. I had a Civic that had a nice turbo set up on the stock motor that ran well, but I am want to do something new. Im looking at an F body or something like that. Thank You
    -1 points
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