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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2009 in Posts

  1. I registered here awhile ago, but never got around to doing an intro. I know there may be some people who recognize my screenname. I used to have a black 98 Eclipse GSX...and a black '03 Lexus GS430. My current ride is an '05 E55 AMG. Here are a few pics of it before this past winter after I got it. http://www.jtranman.com/e55/large/E55-2.jpg http://www.jtranman.com/e55/large/E55-1.jpg http://www.jtranman.com/e55/large/E55-6.jpg
    0 points
  2. I am too. I was actually in Florida for spring break and found a next day flight to Columbus then Tara brought the Evo down. I'm really glad it worked out, there where a bunch of ppl that I haven't seen in years.
    0 points
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