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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2009 in all areas

  1. I'm Billy, been racing or around racing since 1968(ya, I'm old). Grew up around drag racing, started Auto-Xing a few years ago. Raced BMX lots of years. Current cars are 85 Corvette we run in E Mod, with my drivetrain. My kid and I are building an 89 Camaro for him to drive on the street (no pics yet, cause it ain't done). I've been a mechanic for 30+ years, ran my dad's transmission shop for a few years, and do alot of work in the garage. I am Chief Engineer on the TrackAddicts Lemons/Chump Car effort, and I HATE expanding foam.... (long story) fire away..... http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af23/Racerdad916/BillyAckerman6-20-091.jpg?t=1258033364
    1 point
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