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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2010 in all areas

  1. Ooh yeah talk shit bout my parents boohoo. What, cant think of shit to say about my car? True redneck racer? Im not even driving a domestic car you dumb fuck. Once you get out of your 16 year old, fast and the furious scene, and get a real fucking car that might make more than 125fwhp get back at me. Id love to drag your fucking piece of shit around 270 several times, and dont even try ill bring this or this, cause you know what? Ill go get someone else to race you the, and youll get someone, and blablabla shut the fuck up you faggot ass bitch. Once you get a car thats worth racing, get back at me. Untill then you can sit there and play with your fucking ePeen wishing you pulled in bitches in your faggot ass fast and the furious convertible car. Fuck you bitch and get a life
    1 point
  2. But don't i get points for it not being riced out.
    1 point
  3. well then you cant be disappointed then can you?
    0 points
  4. lol my my has a volvo s80 so i know your statements inaccurate.
    0 points
  5. http://i50.tinypic.com/9abc40.jpg sorry all i have at work is paint....btw co-workers get a kick outa this thread makes the day easier for all of us.
    -1 points
  6. ya your right. i should of started off with pics of my expedition or my c5. o well. i like my mr2 better.
    -1 points
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