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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2010 in all areas

  1. Hola Columbus, my name is Eric, I live in the Dayton area and I have a thing for cars. I DD a 2004 Audi S4 and I also have a 00 Turbo Teg and a 95 M3. I am currently growing a murret in anticipation of a new project. Wish me luck! http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/mullet.png notreallyme Oh ya, here are some pics.. http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/garage.JPG http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/teg2.jpg http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/teg1.JPG http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/s4.JPG http://ineeduploadspace.onestop.net/s4engine.JPG
    1 point
  2. here is a little video. car was not totally done in the video http://s900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/fas90stang/90%20grabber%20blue%20532/?action=view&current=droid243.flv&newest=1
    1 point
  3. work? whats work? sounds foreign!
    1 point
  4. Hey Jesse...long time, no hear. I guess thats what happens when you have to grow up and work for a living....which was the case for me.
    1 point
  5. no not yet. what do i have to do ?
    1 point
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