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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2011 in all areas

  1. My name is Tim, I live in Columbus, I own a 2001 BMW M5 which is currently undergoing surgery having an RMS stage 2 supercharger kit installed at Buckhead Imports in Atlanta GA. I will have the first E39 M5 RMS production kit. The owner of Buckhead Imports has the only other kit in existence, which was hand made. His car is putting down 535 RWHP on a Dyno Dynamics Dyno and 625 RWHP on a DynoJet Dyno runnning 11.73 in the 1/4 mile. Hopefully my car will be able to produce the same numbers. I also organize a BMW/Mercedes meet every year in June which includes a drag racing event at MCIR. (Only BMW, MB, and other exotics are invited to attend) I am a regular on many BMW and Mercedes forums, but figured I might as well join up here as well. Below are a few pictures of my car. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n58/Timmy273477/Car%20Stuff/IMG_8950.jpg http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n58/Timmy273477/Car%20Stuff/IMG_8956.jpg http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n58/Timmy273477/Car%20Stuff/Mzg4NTM0NjE1OV9iMzU1NGVjZWI0X2IuanBn.jpg Before the new wheels.... http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n58/Timmy273477/timmay4.jpg Here is a picture of the Buckhead car, which mine will soon look like..... http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n58/Timmy273477/1323260250.jpg
    6 points
  2. My favorite was this one "If this were my child, I'd be upset that I raised a dumb kid, not that the police did their job."
    1 point
  3. What will the reindeer think of this.
    1 point
  4. WOW is all i can say... http://www.gixxer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=320333 sorry if this is a repost EDIT: pics for adam parks hey guys. I just completed with my motor swap without any new mounts. All I did was drill 2 holes in my frame: I added washers to the back to compensate for the space. So now I have 4 out of 5 mounts.
    1 point
  5. was that berating? i apologize if it was... i'm on cold meds... so my head's not exactly on straight right now. I thought we were just agreeing
    1 point
  6. Let's all hope this chick doesn't show up to the DTC after party like last year.... She's evil I tell ya!
    1 point
  7. You really need to get laid not just for your benefit but for the whole OR community as well. And stop doing searches for keywords like "dick, cock, schlong, meat tube, etc". We know your dry and need some action.
    1 point
  8. Papa and I are good. I actually didn't get the joke and was sympathizing with him as I have unfortunately lost friends very dear to me at the track. I have seen some pretty awful results of street crashes also... But, all I wanna say and am done (unless we all wanna take this to goofyville which is actually what I was trying to do with Andy's pic post and Twisted wife comment) is that the idea that track guys are superior is bullshit. Here's the drill... What I think gets lost on a few core street guys that actually never take a trip to the track is that we are saying you can learn more about the bike, expand your ability and excell faster. Of course, that can come with a price. What Speedy isn't catching is that it isn't about who crashes the most and who is a squid and who just wants to ride and enjoy the sport or the hobby... It's about learning. That's all. Again, the baseball thing... The fact is that the street is WAAAAY more dangerous for all the reasons and more listed. Deer, cars, SUVs with people texting, gravel, assholes, semi trucks, etc... Tracks are by far a more safe and controlled environment and YESSSSS!!! We see PLENTY of tools that come out and think they are MotoGP gods and push too fast and too hard. When a guy crashes and splits a frame on an R1 in NOVICE group, he's not doing it right. But, there are several success stories of guys that I know personally and am one of that have used the track to better themselves as a street rider. Yes, Speedy, it isn't about going Mach 1 and it is very much about enjoying and getting away from the real world at times. BUT, as a racer and an avid track day guy that doesn't ride the street regularly (But probably puts a few thousand miles on each year due to events and group rides) anymore, I can sit back, ride and enjoy. Racing and track days has helped me to be a better rider outside being able to handle a lot of curves, handle the speed, etc. I have had the honor of riding some epic roads that I have never seen before and the ability that I have gained at this stage has allowed me to enjoy those rides and handle the unexpected easier than had I not been a racer or track day. Personal experience is all I am going off. Is there going to be an asshole that does track days and goes out on the street and blazes around and showboats and rides like a retard? Sure. Those same guys are the ones getting their liter bike riding asses handed to them by guys on EX500s while at the track. To them, they track day to boast how great they are, how fast they can ride and the ever famous "My buddy clocked me at near Pole Position for the last AMA Superbike race here"... Point is that motorcycles are awesome and we are all part of a unique club. We are all brothers and I will never turn away anyone that wants to learn more. Again, if you think you know more than someone else, remember one thing... There is ALWAYS someone better... Everyone, be safe, have a great New Year and pray for a short winter so we can get back out and ride! Now, back to the Andy photos...
    1 point
  9. This. I have a laugh and move on. Always nice to have some good decoys out there.
    1 point
  10. We could bring China to their knees if we would just stop making shit over there and buying said shit. We could just blow up Wal-Mart HQ and not even have to drop one bomb over in the middle east.
    0 points
  11. Dibs??????? Do people actually think that still works? They actually really arent for sale. Just sharing some info about myself lol. These things are great!!!! Do all kinds of things like record at different angles, record speeds up to and past 180mph, picture perfect 1080p quality but I never use 1080p because it takes for ever to transfer to the computer. Actually, these specific gopros are a "hot item" lol
    -1 points
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