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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2012 in Posts

  1. Hey Columbus Racing! My name is Miguel Lopez in some other forums (KiLaTeS) I'm here because I readed from you guys track rental tomorrow at D42, too bad I can't make it with my car because we were doing some changes and couldn't get them 100% done, but anyways. No need for details. I own a 94 Mitsubishi Mirage/Colt with a 4G63 swapped FWD motor is put together by Elvin Rivera and JP tuning on the other side, I have own the car for like 4 years maybe? I picked up from behind a house near to be at the scrap yard and started by swapping it with a 4G93 (1.8L) SOHC, shortly after went to a 4G64 (2.4L) SOHC both N/A, and after a few trips to the tracks I started meeting some guys from Cleveland area and my very good friend now, Elvin Rivera with the ex-yellow now its Blue 4G63 AWD Mirage/Colt, then we started talking and he got me into swapping my car into a 4G63 and he offer me his unconditional help. Long story short, we swapped the car with all stock stuff off a running FWD running Talon I had, and its been 3 years that the car has been 4G63 swapped and its been a fun car, what it started the first time at the tracks with a run of 12.9 @ 107 mph, our personal best right now on the proyect is 10.9 @ 135 with out a fully tune, just a street touch up anyways, here some pictures and some videos, I hope I can help anybody that need help and meet with some of you at some point. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/IMAG0157-1.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/IMAG0142.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/20120911_193238.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/20120902_195839.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/253489_524353830923937_139411961_n.jpg and also on the other hand I'm currently working on a 2G Eclipse FWD planing on DD next year here a some quick shots... http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/ResizedImage_1340912525103.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/20120702_141536.jpg http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/KiLaTeS1/2012-06-07_19-20-40_222.jpg I also own a 09 Corolla Type S as my wife's DD and my 99 F150, I'm sure no details needed on these As always, Big thanks to Elvin Rivera and JP for always being on my side to help me out! with out them, this couldn't be possible!
    1 point
  2. http://www.edmunds.com/smart/fortwo/2010/tco.html?style=101273312 True Cost to Own for a Smart - $4500 in maintenance in years 1 through 5. Seems a bit steep to me. Versa is $2800 http://www.edmunds.com/nissan/versa/2010/tco.html?style=101225998 Fit is $3200 http://www.edmunds.com/honda/fit/2010/tco.html?style=101200428 Yaris is $3800 http://www.edmunds.com/toyota/yaris/2010/tco.html?style=101200500
    1 point
  3. ^^^^^ I'm betting she has no ass.....
    1 point
  4. If she's THAT cute, step back and admire the view until she leaves.
    1 point
  5. This is my Mystic 96 Cobra. http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4457.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4558.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4288.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4188.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4162.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/RAB_4173.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/NVRL8TE/09F10A7B-6C00-4DEA-AF9C-07B771130EA5-1535-000000888BE0265F.jpg I've owned quite a few cars and I think this one is the best looking. Minor bolt ons such as exhaust, shifter, minor stuff. I've had this one about 5 months. It's a keeper. Any and all questions are welcomed and encouraged! Thank you for having me in the site.
    1 point
  6. Why wouldn't you want that much HP in an SUV?
    1 point
  7. Some will advance faster than others. I would also tend to think that those that THINK they advance faster than others may very well be in the advanced group, but may not belong there. It isn't about a single fast lap time, it CERTAINLY doesn't mean shit that you can drag a knee as exampled by Twisted (I personally barely drag my knee, by the way - guess I need to drop down a group) and just because every org with exception to NESBA has a self evaluation, doesn't mean it is correct to decide to jump. My point is this - I see advanced riders everyday I attend a track day that are so far out of control or out of their element that they need to bump down. I also see a ton of Intermediate guys that should have taken additional days in novice to get acquainted. As for the lines idea? Well, seeing that most guys I have been around don't always use the race line properly, who is to say that you are? But, even if you "know" the race line, doesn't mean you should use it. Meaning, a lot of guys run out wide on exit and do not have the needed speed to do so and while a faster rider behind is trying to overtake from the outside, gets pushed wide because at the speed the passee is going, there's no reason for them to sue all of the track. Thus, they may be "using" the race line, but not needing to until they get the proper speed... Bottom line is this - there are a TON of good examples listed here. Craig, Hob, JBot, Twisted, etc are all guys from top to bottom that have experience doing this in different capacities and have made some really solid comments. Personally? I have yet to see even a super fast street guy come to the track that didn't have habits that were bad and needing fixed by running minimal, novice group. I tend to agree that some can go from novice to "I" rather quickly and even in the same day, I have seen it and approved the bump up. But, ZERO track experience? I would NEVER suggest jumping into "I". Simple reason is that you have zero ideas as to what to expect. Novice allows the basics and if you can understand, implement them with control, you'll get bumped by an instructor. Ego is an awesome thing, ain't it?
    1 point
  8. There is more to novice than jist learning lines, there is proper technique and over all track guidelines (entering and exiting the track ect.).
    1 point
  9. I have a Panasonic TH50PZ800U 50" plasma and love it. Most people complain about the plasma tv's, I personally wouldn't trade mine for anything else. Sure it used a little more power from the wall but the image is amazing. I have looked at plenty of high end LCD's and projectors and still prefer the image I get on the plasma. Like other have said, I feel the image on the LCD displays look fake somehow. I have never been able to fully explain what it is about the picture but it looks like it has been over enhanced and no longer looks natural. Here is mine while playing Crysis Warhead from a PC. As you can see it was more than bright enough to show dark blacks and brilliant almost washed out whites. Mine will get some screen burn, I noticed on the 6-7 hour marathon gaming secessions the cross hair and the health meter will leave an afterimage. I would just leave the tv on with the windows screensaver running for an hour or two or just ignore it and go back to normal tv watching and within a few hours if was gone. The biggest thing you need to remember about big box stores is that none of the tv's are calibrated. If the remotes are available, you need to play with the color setting on the tv's you are interested in and see what range of adjustment is available and how good you can make it look. You have no clue who the last person was that messed with the settings and may have made one tv look worst, just so the one's with the higher profit margin look better .
    1 point
  10. Finally got around to getting this picture off my video from 600sbk1. Ye who shall not be named doing his thing.....
    1 point
  11. next thing they will want is a moment of silence when you want to cut your grass
    1 point
  12. Looking to have my back window re-done, and likely just getting the whole car done. Had a minor incident with two kegs in the hatch that rubbed the tint off... Does anyone on the forum themselves run a small gig that is good with reasonable prices, or know of anyone who does? If not where is a good place to go? Trying to avoid Ziebart if I can. It's on my Supra and I need the back and side windows done. Possibly windshield (yes, I know it's illegal) done, or at least the top 6" done. Just curious as to
    -1 points
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