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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2014 in Posts

  1. I wonder of you can still mod those and have pretty much every game for xbox plus emulator and such
    2 points
  2. Thanks again Hoblick! It was fun I hope everyone gets home without vomit on their car or spicy nut stuff in their eyes. It was nice seeing all of you guys again
    1 point
  3. You're all goin down. John... wtf, man?! We need you back. Also, visited with Mikey, Jen, and their new baby boy Logan today. Happy to say that all are healthy and happy, and Mikey and Jen should be back at the track this season! It's gonna be a good year! And fuck you, Craig.
    1 point
  4. Tonights selection.
    1 point
  5. I think when captain kirk killed the lizard alien in the fist fight it brought balance to the force and then he helped fly the Enterprise into the death star and blew it up
    1 point
  6. They also cover track days
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I haven't rode across that bridge in a couple years. Wish I could have went down because I am sure it was good riding.
    1 point
  9. Sorry, but that article (especially consdering that it's quoting a study from Mother Jones of all places) is complete garbage. You can't have a "discussion" about these topics if the "facts" you use to make your point are misleading, out of context, and ignore other relevant facts (i.e. the fact that the violent crime rate involving guns is on a constant decline over the last 30 years, and that cities with the most restrictive gun laws also have the highest crime rates). I agree that this is a polarizing issue, and that as a result few legitimate solutions to the problem can be found in such an environment. I also believe that the pro 2A crowd need to take the lead on increasing awareness around crime and sensible gun ownership, including making safe gun storage one the commandments to safe gun ownership. But I also feel that each time a mass shooting occurs those who don't like guns stand on the graves and wave the bloody shirts of the victims to make use of an opportunity to get rid of the thing they don't like. For example, none of the legislation passed in New York would have any impact on preventing Sandy Hook. I also believe that each time new gun legislation is suggested that the anti-gun legislators stand on their boxes asking for "common sense" reforms and for a "compromise" to improve public safety. The problem is that their compromises only include infringements on the right, and no enhancements. For example, I'll give you universal background checks if you defund/disband the ATF. Now there's a compromise. Or I'll give you improved mental health reporting into NICS if you make all class 3 weapons fully legal and unrestricted. Unfortunately when it comes to compromise, the only comprimising that's ever suggested if for law abiding gun owners to compromise a RIGHT (not a privelage) that is guaranteed by the constitution. So yeah, consider me polarized.
    1 point
  10. Gotta love the comments section on the article. Seems many fully believe the story this low life makes up despite previous history, including events that led up to the arrest and events at the hospital. Obviously we dont know the full story but this just seems like another ridiculous suit by a low life looking for a payday
    1 point
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