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Bad324 last won the day on April 3

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About Bad324

  • Birthday 03/24/1985

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    Life Size Hot Wheel, Harley for 40 miles a year

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  1. LBTS GLWS Man have I missed a lot, Pauly owning a BMW and a Goldwing. Where the hell did time go?!?!
  2. Love the classic kawi color scheme. Great choice!
  3. Bad324

    Eclipse tip

    I'm a music guy but everyone that's coming over will be welcomed to the eclipse by Dave Chapelle's Rick James character
  4. I'm just glad I opened this up to pictures of a vehicle and it wasn't a new testicle like I was fearing
  5. It's unlikely because life has gotten crazy with a newborn again BUT watching just in case I can make a short appearance. Somehow I miss some of you assholes
  6. damn there are some names on there I totally forgot about and this was a couple years before I even started coming around
  7. now that's my kinda trip, looks like a blast!
  8. A good friend of mine's husband own a bomb BBQ joint like 15 mins NE of downtown Cinci. He loves BBQ and frequenting every joint he can to get ideas, inspiration, etc. and I've never really heard him have a negative thing to say until I asked him about that one. Thankfully he steered me away because ever since I've not heard good things.
  9. contractors are annoying these days. I went with stamped concrete instead of pavers because of cost and durability and still looks like pavers. I only regret letting my wife talk me in to a textured stamp that collects water and dirt in spots
  10. I voted 2 but 1 would be it with a less dopey looking dragon
  11. All I know is I rode this route (or one very close to it) for the first time in 2010 with @Pauly and I don't recall Tonik being around back then or at the very least as active as now.
  12. Shit I think I have the same TV as my main one in my basement but from 2012
  13. This rings so true. I was almost always the least talented rider on any group ride with you guys and managed to stay in one piece because of it. I can really only think of two moments that I was truly on the edge of being over my head and luckily managed to recover both
  14. My quality of work deteriorates as I get further in to painting so I've always done the trim first because I have more patience then the walls
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