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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2014 in all areas

  1. Well a month and 2 weeks removed from the accident that totaled the Zx10 and it kills me not to ride in the nice time of year in Ohio. After vigorously searching I've decided on an 07 z1000. So, when's the next ride.
    1 point
  2. It's a Ducati. They're always broken
    1 point
  3. Comments on the Lima News facebook article appear to confirm it was Highwaymen m/c from the Cincinnati chapter. Highwaymen m/c are originally from the Detroit area.
    1 point
  4. Bike 2/3 and car 1/3 of responsibility. Definitely going too fast. Not covering front brake. Not looking far enough ahead and recognizing the threat. I'm pretty sure there is scientific literature on the topic that the brain doesn't recognize the smaller bike to be as dangerous. If that was a Mack truck (do they sell those in UK?) the driver would have seen the truck as a threat and held up. It's more than just the size and shape that matters to our brain. The driver definitely shouldn't have turned as there wasn't safe clearance as evidenced by the crash. I presume UK law is like US law about yielding right of way when turning across oncoming traffic. (Even if they are speeding). As already stated, this is the number one way to die on your bike. Watch for cars turning left in front of you. Bright lights. Weave. Slow down. Adjust lane position. Whatever it takes!
    1 point
  5. Smarter people than all of us can't figure this one out either. Obstain? Innocents die, they grow powerful, Isreal is destroyed, US is in jeopardy. Invade? Who do we replace the current regimes with? The only thing the unsettled populace reasons with is fear. Then replacing bad with worse. I can't even begin to armchair quarterback this one.
    1 point
  6. i'm going to put 1 on each wrist so i look like a motherfucking kenyan online.
    1 point
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