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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2015 in Posts

  1. It's Ringo trying to exact his revenge and fund his pro gaming team.
    2 points
  2. So, the owners of www.ohioriders.com want $18,000 for the domain name.
    1 point
  3. tell him to eat a dick and die
    1 point
  4. First, they are ultra light. Second, they are very nice quality, not garbage like the bikes they sell at walmart which would still cost close to the same amount Third, I've never once in my life have I found a bike that would fit an 1.5-2.5 year old.
    1 point
  5. got my daughter an early birthday gift.
    1 point
  6. Go at night. The seating guy is gay. Work something out.
    1 point
  7. First morons to be deported are those who can't spell Antarctica. Lol
    1 point
  8. I agree a police force is necessary, but if the State Highway Patrol reduced their workforce by 90% it wouldn't cause any noticeable problems. Drivers would arrive at their destinations a few minutes earlier and state would have less pennies in their coffer to misappropriate.
    1 point
  9. Tell me where I'm wrong. With respect to real crime, police show up after the fact and take notes. How could it be otherwise? The main thing cops are proactive about is confiscating my money when I'm safely traveling 15 mph over the limit on empty interstate...
    1 point
  10. Your analogy does not work.I will grant you this- like an auto or moto accident, there is a small probability you will be the victim of crime. But helmets and seat belts will improve your outcome almost 100% of the time! Cops intervene in approximately 0% of the violent encounters that occur on a daily basis, and recover effective 0% of the property that is ever stolen. They show up after the fact, take notes, and occasionally make an arrest when they are not too busy waging a war on traffic violations and adults who use drugs.
    1 point
  11. I've had absolutely zero use for cops in my life. Has anyone on here every had a cop provide any value in a law-enforcement capacity? Municipalities ate flushing money down the drain with their bloated police rosters and fat pensions. We could cut half of these jobs overnight and I guarantee no one would notice. Legalize lethal force by citizens to prevent property theft, fire half the police, and let the blacks continue killing each other. #Trump2016
    1 point
  12. ...but they said he was resisting. If a cop says that, it's gotta be true.
    1 point
  13. Metro Vet Hospital in Akron specializes in Cancer treatment for pets. Not saying you dog has cancer but my Giant Schnauzer had melanoma is his left eye this past spring and they fixed him right up. They removed his eye and luckily it was benign and did not spread. Total cost was around $2000 but it was very worth it to me. http://www.metropolitanvet.com/ Photo is from when he had his "cone of shame" removed but he looks fine today and is doing great.
    1 point
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