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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2020 in all areas

  1. I agree. I just picked up a 2010 Honda VFR 1200F as a second bike. I’ll have to try the SE Ohio and WV roads with that bike. Much more sporty position and about 65 more hp than my 2007 Honda 919.
    2 points
  2. I haven't been following HD very closely and don't particularly want them to fail nor do I care what they do since they don't make anything interesting to me.... But maybe that's precisely the problem. They should be the ones setting the tone for motorcycle trends and all eyes should be on them but they have been clinging to the same loser formula for years even as their customer base dies by the thousands every month. Their electric bike is a joke, they sabotaged their only half assed chance at the youth market, and like you alluded to: not even an attempt at the very closely related rec vehicles market. You can't sell stickers/shirts your way out of a dying market in a long challenged segment like motorcycles. Even the Corvette went mid-engine eventually because they knew they had reached the end of that road. Harley needs a serious overhaul but it might already be too little too late.
    1 point
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