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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2022 in Posts

  1. Whoa!!! Best zombie thread revival EVER!!! A few weeks short of 12 years later.... 🙄
    1 point
  2. Hey Jared, Yes, it's quiet. But most of the forums that I've been on are quiet or closing up. Blame it on FaceBook. I'm from WV in Parkersburg. I noticed your post, but was hoping for a bit more info on what kind of riding you do, so I didn't reply right away, and then I don't check back very often... Anyway, I organize the WV group of the Motorcycle Sports Touring Association (MSTA). We meet the second Thursday of every month with MSTA members and other riders from the area, including guys from SE Ohio. We hold the meetings in Williamstown since most of our nearby guys are in PKB, Marietta, or nearby. Caldwell is a mere 30 minutes away. You might check out the web page at RideMSTA.COM and the about tab to get a feel for the sorts of guys who are members. Or just show up next Thursday at DaVinci's at 6:30. If you want to attend, please let me know so i can adjust our reservation. Chris Shoop
    1 point
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