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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Posts

  1. at 1200 miles I made the change today to synthetic oil on Sunny2.0. Motul 7100 20W-50. And she is purring like a happy cat. So I wandered around a bit to feel her out and man, does the DR like the 20W. Shifts like butter. Ready now for leaving next Monday for a week in Appomattox VA and the Horizons Unlimited event there. After that? The Yukon and Alaska! I sold what’s left of the old bike along with the unused parts from the new bike to a fellow DR650 enthusiast who has the tools and capabilities to rebuild motors. He sent me pictures of the old lump. As suspected, the cage on the main bearing failed. Somehow bizzarrely, no apparent damage anywhere in the motor other than some scoring on the crank. He’s replacing the bearing a confident she will run again!
    2 points
  2. Safe travels, Dan. Wishing for picture perfect weather.
    1 point
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