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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2008 in all areas

  1. I decided to focus on the office for the past 5 weeks and not screw off so much and I doubled the practice in 5 weeks. 30 new patients last month. 200 patient visits/week. My Goal by the year end is to be at 400 patients per week. ps. What is up with this "rep" indicator?
    3 points
  2. Ok in all honesty I really thought about this before posting. I like to keep my personal business away from the interwebs but I just wanted to share some random thoughts here. I think most men will agree. What women want Money. Im sorry ladies but even when you tell us money doesnt matter, your full of shit. You enjoy being pampered and bought things simply so you dont have to buy them yourself. You say you really dont mind going to Applebees from time to time but in your mind your thinking 'why cant this bastard take me to Hyde Park'. This is why I steer clear of the bitches that work at Walmart or other dead end jobs, if you cant provide for ME then Ill be damned if I will support YOU. Being smacked around. I dont know why in f*cks name girls like being treated like shit! Why is it you see the little hotties with hoodlum dudes that slang talk and cant even hold a job?? My guess is because they smack those girls around and they rather enjoy randomly thinking "is he cheating on me" "does he love me" blah blah. I mean in all honesty there isnt a mean bone in my body, and if I ever treated a girl with the disrespect they seem to enjoy... my own mother would kick my ass. Challenge. So by challenge do you mean.... if I ignore your phone calls all the time, completely blow you off and show no sign of interest what so ever, youll like me MORE? Yes. Thats correct. By you calling us and us ignoring you and treating you like every other beotch, youll seem to come around quicker. But heaven forbid if WE show any sign of interest and do kind things for you like buy you flowers and take you to nice dinners and try and have some real old style genuine fun with you. This kind of loyal treatment will only net you the dog house really quick. Sex Appeal. Compliments and suggestions. Be careful how you play this one guys. If you compliment on appearance then you obviously want to sleep with her, because we all know that people cant just be friends without sleeping with each other rite. If you suggest something to her then obviously she isnt good enough and chances are this might play in your favor. Her self esteem will stoop so low that she might be willing to do just about anything to keep your interest because shes so worried about her own appearance. This all stems from meeting random bitches (I call them "bitches" now because calling them "ladies" doesnt seem to be the proper way to "pull" women these days) that just end up being another number on the shit list in my phone after trying to be real with them. Girls... cant live with them... cant kill them.
    1 point
  3. +1 I was raised with a Pembroke Welsh Corgi as the family dog, best dog I've ever had. We had him since the day I was born. Grew up with him and a few years ago he just started to have problems left and right. He spent more time at the Vet then he did at home, and he was always doped up on something it was really hard to witness. The time finally came where we had to just put him down. I'll never forget leaving that room, I just couldn't fight it anymore and just completely lost it, I was bawling. I really will miss that dog. Like someone said in an earlier post, when it comes to dogs in our house. They aren't just pets they become family. Keep your head up man.
    1 point
  4. WELCOME BACK!!!!!! /me stirs the pot. Ummmmm so Jesus (The polgmy leader as he claims) is in jail WTF? Just kidding
    1 point
  5. Let me pose this question. How does Heron get in the country? The same way guns will.
    1 point
  6. i know like five guys named jesus, i think 3 of them have done time, and 1 of them have been deported on multiple occasions. the last one, he saved my life once, so im pretty close with that guy.
    1 point
  7. Have you been there?... Jesus. Even though it was probably the worst bar I've ever stepped foot in, I'll probably go back for sure. Sorry I scooted out of Jordan's with the quickness... I missed a few goodbyes.
    1 point
  8. someone gave me negative rep points for it
    1 point
  9. And I believe the answer is repost
    0 points
  10. I don't believe owning a handgun will save democracy - although if I had to load up in my Caddy and drive down to capital hill and lay waste to any Hitler wannabe with my 9, I could do it action movie style, sure - but the last 3/4 of your post says you're going to where I'm standing conceptually. The last lego is this: armed citizen translates to state militia (note I make a clear distinction here to state run military constructs, those ostensibly given their mandate by the local people collectively) translates to a federal standing army. And all of these separate from a police. These armed separations of the absolute argument ending authority of a gun is what keeps (our) society standing. No other governing and empowerment model currently in the world has the same track record as measured on a combination of liberty and longevity (and my wife is Dutch so I see all the european models first hand every time we visit the inlaws). England? Close but no cigar. England has illusionary freedom born more from their more homogenous demographics than by model, and its breaking down as immigration takes the %s away from the tea sipping traditional englishman - their model never would work in the melting pot America has always been. Ditto (modern) Japan. I don't think you hate the second amendment but I do beleive you hate my interpretation. And I'm here to tell you that legistating away gun ownersip, while more palatable and easy to swallow than other means, is just as pacifying a totalitarian governmental power play than just sending the nazi youth goon squads out into the neighborhoods and raidng homes taking away their guns. It amounts in the end to the same thing. Taking power away from the people. By pen or by sword it is *the* *same* *thing*. Ultimately all I'm trying to say is this: Demogracy isn't a recipe for success. Look at all the failed democracies around the world plagued with regional or even national corruption and oppression. No. What's genius about the US design is the system of checks and balances. An armed populace is as much a part of that instrinic check and balance system as is any other overt part such as a free judicial system. Eh you don't have to beleive it. Smarter men than you or I along those that have lived thru the worst of man's inhumanity to man understand it. Luckily for us both a body of those men were were in the group we call our founding fathers. An armed populace is a cornerstone to the surety of your liberty and freedom.
    0 points
  11. -1 points
  12. no, you're just a slave to your heightened level of paranoia when it comes to things people don't even have to think twice about--ie. car loans and immunizations to name a few. take a prozac, and live a little already. didn't you have a supra once?? let me guess, you sold it because you got a sweet deal on a suburban, or whatever you drive?? my advice to the original poster is to enjoy yourself, within reason. if you want a $30k car and can afford it, then do it, and you'll never turn back.
    -1 points
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