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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2011 in all areas

  1. www.criticalpast.com Pretty cool site. Was really neat going back to the early days of video. Here is one of the Wright brothers practicing with a glider in 1901. http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675044881_Wright-glider_motor-less_man-carrying-Wright-glider_men-watch-glider Wright brother's first flight in 1903 and a few other airplane firsts. http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675031726_Wright-brothers_Wright-Flyer_air-mail-service-van_plane-taxiing-into-the-water Pearl Harbor during and after the attacks on December 7th, 1941. http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675029979_attack-on-Pearl-Harbor_Harbor-installations_USS-Arizona-burns_black-smoke-rises Some footage of General Patton, France, 1944 http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675034892_George-S-Patton_plane-takes-off_crosses-ponton-bridge-over-the-Seine-river_enters-liaison-plane
    1 point
  2. I have given you a good trader rating. Thank You
    1 point
  3. Yeah. Better to support the tea party movement. So you can help get rid of any regulation so the CEOs of megacorporations can get even MORE ultrarich while downgrading your pay and sending your jobs overseas... Better to work really hard making someone else rich. Or are you still all under the delusion that you're all going to become Mega-CEOs yourself? For each of the idiots like these dolts that they choose to interview, there's 10 more behind them who are more moderate and who really are sick of the ultra-rich raping the rest of us while the brainwashed horde blows their message for them. Here's hoping to this leading at least to a political movement. Something to balance out those moron teapartiers who don't even realize they've been completely co-opted by the billionare owners of corporations. PS - Stern is a pile of ass rash.
    1 point
  4. The expectations are through the roof for anyone here, it's Ohio State. If Urban doesn't produce, then he's out just like everyone else.
    1 point
  5. I don't think Urban will leave after Braxton graduates as alittlelessordinary is suggesting (he's anti-Urban and anti-Braxton remember...lol) but yeah... 2 titles in 5-6 years then he "quits"? Fine by me. Still just laugh when I see all the "quitting" and "job hopper" stuff about Urban. Name any candidate you'd want other than Urban and I bet I could find a way to call them a "quitter" or "job hopper" if Urban Meyer is the standard for such things. As for felonies... who cares? The NCAA doesn't. Our players were virtually saints under Tressel the last 3-4 years of his time at OSU and the program got trashed for kids selling their own stuff and getting paid $2/hr extra over what was approved by compliance 2 years ago, etc. OSU got 10x more bad press over the NCAA crap than any program has over legal issues. As long as the players aren't beating me up then I just don't care...lol. And like I said alittlelessordinary, find me a guy predicting the actions of teenagers at a better rate than nevada with similar, known connections to the program and I'll listen to that person instead.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. meh, i put the shit he is spewing just a small step below being a pedophile. if he was sporting a website about pedophilia, i wonder how many people would be 'cool' with it. never interacted with the guy, never met him, but if that website represents his beliefs, i can tell you i'd rather not even let him hand me a cheeseburger at the mcdonald's drive-thru, let alone be associated with him in any way/shape/form.
    1 point
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