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Everything posted by kspiatt

  1. kspiatt


    oh god mustang vs. mustang.... time for the world to implode
  2. kspiatt


    season premiere is on tonight at 9 on the speed channel. that is all
  3. 1993 pontiac firebird with a GN motor in it. like i said above, this is gergwheel posting as kspiatt. sorry for the confusion.
  4. just like the title says. Just took it off the car today, should have pics tomorrow, works great, no leaks, pump worked good too last time i used it.
  5. http://www.delawarelibrary.org/support/tt/intercooler3.jpg http://www.delawarelibrary.org/support/tt/intercooler2.jpg http://www.delawarelibrary.org/support/tt/intercooler1.jpg http://www.delawarelibrary.org/support/tt/intercooler4.jpg :woowoo: edit: this is gergwheel not kspiatt
  6. They make kits to do that with 32v cobra motors.
  7. sweet thanks mike will send him a message.
  8. sorry i put this in the wrong place if somebody could move it to the passing lane that would be great. thanks
  9. was wondering if anybody knows anything about bluetooth headsets? as in which one to buy, which not to buy, if anybody has the hookup on them. you know the basics. any help would be appriciated. thanks in advance
  10. kspiatt

    WTB box

    why, i have a need for a car related part, and its not exactly a classified type thing is it?? i dont really know for sure. move it if you think it should be.
  11. kspiatt

    WTB box

    I need a box for a NAPA alternator. I have a brand new alternator from them that i need to take back, and they won't take it back without the box. i would be willing to pay for it. please let me know what you have.
  12. if powers doesn't take the table saw i will take it. just let me know.
  13. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~gwheelan/josie/LRT%20Josie1.JPG http://www.personal.kent.edu/~gwheelan/josie/LRT%20Josie2.JPG http://www.personal.kent.edu/~gwheelan/josie/LRT%20Josie3.JPG
  14. the contours have balancer issues and oil starvation problems in long right hand corners
  15. hopefully it is true the t5 5 cylinder engine is the shit. especially if they put the 6 speed tranny in it. even though it says 240 hp it is actually closer to 280 hp.
  16. kspiatt

    Olds 400

    Need to know if 72 Pontiac 400 will bolt to 84 Olds cutlas trans, I believe it has a metric 200, also will my olds front cover ie, ac,alt,p/s bolt to 400 it currently has the 307.THANKS:]
  17. i watched the first 1.5 hours of it and it was fucking great, then the reel fell off, and we couldnt watch the end, so i think i might go watch it again tonight for free.
  18. i will be there with gergwheel in his firebird. leaving right now.
  19. kspiatt

    84 s-10 pickup

    could you send pics to kspiatt1@hotmail.com
  20. No its not, but thats not really relivent to this thread, and no one around here (that I know of) is building a 1,000+hp 3v. Its been proven over and over again with 4v motors, they kick ass.
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