Quote: Originally Posted by Lizard 1 Not being an asshole or anything, but if you crash, it is failure to control. Whether or not you were speeding, horsing around, riding well within your means and controlled or not, a crash is the failure of a rider to maintain control... Unless things like oil, deer, etc are accounted for. So, the cop isn't being a dick for citing for failure to control if someone crashes... Quote: Originally Posted by Dweezel Yeah but on the Human side of it, 'no harm, no foul' if no one is hurt and no property is damaged, except your own obviously, they could be a nice guy and let ya go with a warning or such, I'm sure she's dealing with enough already. Lizard is right in this case. There is no "human" side to it. Suppose you get caught doing 150 mph on the freeway. Should the cop let you go? No one hurt, no property damage, why not be a "nice guy" and send you on your way?