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Posts posted by xtremef4i

  1. Brad, Nathan might get mad at you if I tell him you said he was a RETARD AND GAY. :lol:

    Its cool I tell him that all the time. You have my permission and Im sure he will make up some story about me again like he did with getting rid of the bike....which will never happen...I'm actually trying to convince the old lady why I need another bike haha...I've always wanted an RC51...all that bottom end torque and the sound from those pipes=sweetness.

  2. Yeah the cops are alright really, unless they harass us because we are bikers. That happened to me in Troy a couple weeks ago. But most cops are cool. I just like that saying...I blame Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre.

  3. for the fact that she HAS her own bike.. i'd sure hope she wouldnt want you to get rid of yours!! thats a double standard. hopefully she will join me/ us soon

    Yeah she is cool with bikes. Nathan is just gay. I need to start teaching Mandy to ride soon when Dustin and I finish gwtting the jetting straightened out on that lil 250.

  4. I just hope I'm like you when I get older...I never wanna grow up when it comes to riding bikes. Hey thanks for the compliment. The bike is meant to be ridden, although sometimes I do think it is awful pretty to ride hard and crazy but I have fun with it and just hope that I have enough skill to keep it right side up. At least I have a bike that is show and go and not just all show and no go.

  5. I wouldnt mind riding this weekend but isn't it supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully, Dustin and I will be mounting my new tires on the bike this weekend so I dont know If I will have them scuffed up enough to hang with you crazy kids. Most likely, I probably wont do any hard riding this weekend, if the weather is nice, till I get the new tires broke in.

    Myzon26, I know what you are thinking and I am with you...

  6. Brad, Nathan just walked over to me and bullshitted for awhile. So now I DO know him. He said you were texting him about me so he came over and said,"Hey you know Brad." ....and the convo went from there.

    He did say you might not have your bike for long! WHAT!!?? Marriage?

    My wife married the bike too when she said "I do".

    Dude Nathan is just jealous because he is a so whipped by his old lady and he cant be cool like the rest of us. Man I have had my bike longer than I have had my woman. when we first started dating I told her Id never get rid of it for any woman. Lets put it this way...if anything is leaving my possesion, it would be the old lady over the bike...but my old lady is cool with me and my toy so no problems... Tell Nathan he is a RETARD.

  7. I don't know him personally, but I just walked by him about an hour ago coming back from lunch.

    You not like him? I don't know him. All I know he is scrawny. :D

    He's my buddy. I was just seeing if you knew him since you worked at the same place. I have no clue what he does there. He seemed to know who you are at least. You need to talk him into getting a street bike. He's got a dirt bike that Im trying to convince him to sell since he doesnt ride it much. Tell him to get a streetbike so we will have another riding buddy. Just tell him he sucks at life if he tries to give you any crap.

  8. I love both mods. The PCIII made a big difference since it ehnanced throttle response and got rid of the dead spots in the powerband thaty used to bog a little. I think all bikes shoud have them. The ingition advancer is nice too since I got a good deal on if off Ebay but I didnt notice much from it. Since my PC is an older version, it only has the fuel curve enhancements- unlike the PCIIr and the newer USB models which have maps that adjust fuel and ignition curves. so this way, I figure both the PC and ignition advancer compliment eachother. you have anything done to your bike other than a pipe?

  9. If anyone is interested, there is a bike night June 20 from 6-whenever at Frickers in Vandalia. I might go if the weather is nice. But if I roll up and there is a bunch of Harleys like I have a feeling there will be, I'll probably turn around and find somewhere to ride instead.

  10. what spring rate did you do with the race tech's and what are your impression of them?

    I went with the .85kg springs for the street. Im about 175lbs on a good day. According to Racetech's chart of what springs to run on the street with my weight, it recommended a rate right in the middle between .85 and .90kg. I decided to go with the .85 so the ride on the street wouldnt be quite as harsh as what the .90 would be. A lot of members on CBRforum run .90 though.

    I like the upgrade. I can tell a little difference with the bike overall but nothing major. If I were running track I would have gone with the stiffer rate but this is fine for me on the street. While I was changing fork fluid and replacing bushings and seals this past early spring (thanks to the help of dustinsn3485), I figured I may as well upgrade the springs while the forks were apart. I set my preload, compression, and dampening to the suggested settings on Sport Rider's website. Hope this helps

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