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old dirty bastard

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Everything posted by old dirty bastard

  1. This made me laugh Mr. Lowball lightweight getting on someone for being cheap.
  2. can someone cliff note that I'm just wondering why he goes into stores and gets stopped alot and I'm not feeling the idea about not showing ID to a officer
  3. I believe the tercel is 4x100 and i may have something for that I will check
  4. there front wheel drive they wouldnt look right
  5. when i get home tonight i will post the tire size
  6. I didn't care for his Internet ways but I have met him several times and I always got the impression that he was passionate about cars and the car scene I'm truly sorry to hear of his passing.
  7. Hey dumbasses stop shiting on Buck's thread
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product
  9. Dubs on Cleetus! I remember when a Cleetus was a blue collar roll his sleeves up type truck. Those wheels are going to look good on Cleetus
  10. Play him in rock,paper and scissors and if he loses ban him from there.
  11. I'm the owner of a electronic store that sells slightly used electronics and other not nailed down products.
  12. thanks everyone edit: anyone want to buy a TV?
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