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old dirty bastard

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Everything posted by old dirty bastard

  1. Welcome to the board and thats a nice lookin car graemlins/thumb.gif
  2. You cant be serious.Lil Wayne and all the other Lil's for example is Rap. The Roots,Common and Kanye West are Hip Hop. BLING BLING is not hip hop.
  3. and Im 31 youngster tongue.gif
  4. Also I would consider him "rap" not hiphop
  5. I wasnt stating I knew more Im just giving you and everyone else that reads this thread my .02 I not pushing it as a fact just what I thought of him.
  6. graemlins/wtf.gif I have listen to Rap music longer than most people on this board have been living. I know all about the genre. I dont think he is very good he had a line in one song like this Greatest rapper alive since the greatest rapper alive retired or something like that it had me like WTF is that dude on he is nowhere near a great one at best average.
  7. You suck@DaQuote tongue.gif
  8. I agree he sucks@DaRap
  9. Bainbridge is a small town where the lumberjacks dont know how to use chainsaws and dogs named Rico Suave chase bullets fired from guns and restraunts rip off secret sauce from McDonalds. tongue.gif Oh yeah nice car noob graemlins/thumb.gif
  10. Trust me you dont want to do it I did it and was stabbed and once had a gun to my head plus they pay like shit.
  11. Last winter I met a real cool kid thru my ex-girlfriend I just found out he was walking down a road the other night in Northeastern Ohio and he was hit by a drunk driver and killed he never seen it coming.I cant see what the point is to get totally shit faced and think you can operate a motor vehicle it is stupid people fucking die for nothing.I cant imagine what that fucking idiot who hit him was thinking. If you plan to drink do me a favor dont drive and stay safe.
  12. its def. a useless mod so my .02 its freaking ricey
  13. I refuse to click on the link and I agree w/ the other 3 responses
  14. You dont know anything about what that show was about tongue.gif
  15. That happened to my brother acouple of years ago on Clearwater beach but 4 dolphins came near him it scared him shitless for a second then he realized they were dolphins and thought it was cool.
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