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Ruslan Guryanov

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About Ruslan Guryanov

  • Birthday 04/24/1983

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    Delaware, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    1998 cbr1100xx, 1997 yzf1000r

Ruslan Guryanov's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. You know, i personally don't see the problem to have Busa as your first bike. My first bike was GSXR 1000 and i loved it much more then my girlfriends Ninja 250, i really was feeling unsafe on this thing, GSXR was much more balanced, feels much more comfortable riding behind trucks. Steering on 250 was so sensitive that i noticed some times a slight waving on the road. If person is a crackhead on the road, it doesn't matter what bike he'll take, he will be dangerous. You don't have to open the throttle full the way on the bigger bike. I think the best help to your nephew, is to pay for he's basic riding class.
  2. Hello i would like to come to the "Magzfest '12", i never been there, could you please send me an address. Do i need to bring anything in particular? What time is it? Do you guys have any bike ride before the fest?

  3. Ruslan Guryanov

    4th ride?

    do you have a place for one more? if so could you give me exact address and tell me what time will you guys start. I love to ride, but i don't have much experience to ride in the group.
  4. i will, one friend of mine did invite me yesterday there too, see you there at Wednesday...
  5. Cool, i'm painting my bike this week, maybe next week i'll visit some events... When i asked about finding a group in Columbus Ohio, i meant to find a sport bike club or something like that...
  6. I'm in.. is this invitation still live??? Please IM me with place and time when you guys will group up...
  7. I was wondering, is any groups of sport bike riders at Columbus? Would like to meet them and maybe ride together some times. I rode a few poker runs, but it feels kinda weird, being only 1 sport bike there... Would like to find sport bike band...
  8. my first thought will be, that this is a thief, the first motion will be, grab the gun and hit the guy to destruct him, and jump on the throttle after that, who know that this guy was a policeman... full of shit...
  9. would love to come if my bike will be fixed at this time...
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