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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I still owe you guys some lunch! we should go soon.

  2. I think dweezle had it... maybe we should ask him to post it... hilarious!

  3. I think he had a legit shot... I mean I was a clearly single woman for like 3 weeks. :lol: things are a little cloudy for me again now though.

    I did see your post about dating his face. I'm amused.

  4. I think he lost his op... sad face.

  5. I think I'm gonna have to watch this movie again...

    joining now... :D

  6. I think kristi and i are driving up together. :)

  7. I think this 'the building caught on fire and we broke our shredder' convo is the best one i've read... :lol:

  8. OsuMj

    I think you need more friends... or variety of people who post on your wall... its mostly just me... lol

  9. i think you're a little messed up. Its interesting. Makes me want to be friends with you. :D

  10. I wanna see this awesome warehouse that all of our stuff magically appears from...

  11. I wanna text you soooo bad.


  12. I wanna work on my kawi a bit this winter... got any ideas for improvements :) ?

  13. I wanted to tell you something, but I forgot.

  14. I was at like 48 mins or something. me and the roomie ran together... his military boots filled with water and didn't drain so it made for an interesting run lol. We kind of just jogged and had fun.... :)

  15. I was going to (+) rep you and leave this comment: you're so classy!


  16. I was looking for darth... lol

  17. i was planning on it... but no

  18. I was thinking about looking around that area for an apartment... I could bring you a meal... lol. no sour cream? I don't know if we can be friends.

  19. I went 5 or 6 times last year... gone 3 times this year. I suck too, but its a good crowd, and Joe is a stellar teacher - so if you need pointers, he's been hooking everyone up with great advice.I'm probably not going back to Mad River till January... I'm going to be in Colorado from the 1st to the 5th, so after that, we'll be doing some of the evening snowboarding things... I was thinking about getting a weekend trip to seven springs together too if you're interested...

  20. I will probably take you up on that. :D

  21. I would love to host a party, unfortunately I live in a tiny ass apt. However, if anyone would offer up their space, I would be more than willing to do the party planning.

  22. I would totally be in, but i have a project due at midnight that night - and if for some reason i manage to get it done early, my mom was gonna try to visit me... soooo.... :(

  23. I would, but i'm getting ready to head out. I have a friend with a birthday celebration and one that's in town from florida and i have to hang out with them both tonight... sorry :-/

  24. I wouldn't know. I'm too retarded to make myself legal to ride anything :nono:

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