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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. uh oh... sounds like another drunk night is being planned just keep me and julie away from the puddles of beer.
  2. um.... maybe a little of both :)

  3. I wanna work on my kawi a bit this winter... got any ideas for improvements :) ?

  4. I think i'm gonna go see this...
  5. haha, that was sooo funny. you were like "the floor is pretty slick over here" then BAM! lol
  6. OMG, I FELL! I totally forgot. ahhahaha.
  7. +shorts & t-shirt... gotta be careful how i say things around here...
  8. ... I dont remember the fall.... crap hope you're ok
  9. hahha, i had a good time last night I'm hurtin a little right now though. lol.
  10. you have to quote that picture? like it wasn't bad enough seeing it once???
  11. aww sorry ... here's some popcorn ? that sucks
  12. yeah, you're good, I just called and said there are ~23 of us.... should be good to go
  13. I'm tryin!!! srsly though, i'm really trying. lol. enough ibuprofin to put a small animal into a coma and a 64oz bottle of fluid.... *sigh* I'm riding to applebee's dammit.
  14. i think i might have another kidney stone, so god knows if i'll even make it... :-/ If i'm not in the hospital by lunch, I'll be at applebee's
  15. OsuMj


    its ok alab, you're not a REAL meat gazer, you gaze stick meat
  16. I called them yesterday to let them know that more than 20 people were showing up (just in case they needed to get extra people in there). Applebee's doesn't really take reservations, but they aren't going to turn away 25 people, so they said they'd have a note ready for the manager today and I should call back again today to make sure that they can have something set up.
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