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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj

    july 12th

    Kawi Kid, I just want to tell you how entertaining your avatar is. I am pretty sure I've laughed EVERY time I have seen it, which is like 20 times now.
  2. Your bike looks pretty stellar. Eric hasn't stopped drooling for five minutes.
  3. OsuMj

    July 6 Ride

    What?? We're gonna destroy your team...
  4. That video is creepy. I mean, it would be pretty ridiculous if we were the only "intelligent" life...
  5. Haha, this is ridiculous. Wolfman told me that he had a dream last night about zombies attacking him and his family in a castle with a moat... but he woke up because his mom wouldn't stop vacuuming the castle floors. Now I see why...
  6. OsuMj


    nope, this is wolfman's girlfriend... I hear we are on the same flag football team.
  7. OsuMj


    Hello everyone! I'm Michele from Columbus. I have a 1987 Kawasaki ex500 (my first bike)... mmm I don't know what else to say.
  8. OsuMj


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