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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. Dear Todd, please get into the "what I did in guns" thread and tell me about the trigger pull on the keltec that i so often hear you speaking of :)

  2. recharged! i'll call ya tomorrow morning when I wake up... holly & are are gonna go to sports authority before we leave, let me know if you wanna go there or if we should pick you up later... :)

  3. omg, its your sig now... :lol: sometimes i feel like you might be the weirdest person i know.... i say this while staring at your watermelon hat. :p

  4. Happy Birthday!!

  5. :p I appreciate it. I did find a place that I want to move to, but the lawyer says i can't 'break' the lease without oweing her the money for it :-/
  6. I will probably take you up on that. :D

  7. I'm trying to make you entertain me at work and you're failing. :nono:

    btw, you need to spice up your profile page.... this is blander than my cooking.


  8. do u have verizon?

  9. :lol: got that right.... he's gonna have to buy some purple shorts and make a shirt out of pineapples to even compete.... :D
  10. I don't get it.

  11. nice meeting you too! we didn't get to chat that much though... maybe tomorrow!

  12. is dover your last name, and have you ever heard of monroeville?

  13. im ok! lol. one more surgery

  14. :-P one on tuesday one on thursday, project due on wednesday + work. how about you?

  15. my previous statement (about you being weird) stands ;)

    i'll let him know not to try the pineapple. :D

  16. OsuMj

    I'll do that, thanks for the tip :)

    You decide how I can make it up to you yet? :D

  17. picture.php?albumid=828&pictureid=9186

    yours came out blurry... :-/

  18. lol, ok, that's what I thought. That's awesome.

  19. hrm, I think my weekend is too full to even consider it. :-/

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