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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. wanna entertain me during this class?

  2. was that the catch comment to make sure i'm not mad at you for pointing out my ridiculously long fingers? lol.

  3. was that your attempt at a joke?


  4. OsuMj

    we're not friends anymore.... unless you come and pick up a package for me tomorrow.

  5. well we have something in common then :D

    I haven't been there in years... new coffee shop?? interesting. we must be growing.

  6. well you're pretty awesome yourself, even with your cheese wheel. hahahaha... oh it hurts... to laugh that is.

  7. well, at least you know your role. be better next time and you won't have to apologize.


  8. Well, let me take a month off of that for you, I'm bored by the fact that you dont have a wall for me to write on.:p

  9. well, my butt hurts... :) I rode 200 miles today and yesterday.

  10. well, then you can see the not surprised look on my face.

  11. well,the only reason i was coming to mansfield was to ride... soooo, whenever the parade is over...

  12. Well... so far, one "L" michele's that I met seem to be a lot cooler than michelles... just an observation :p

  13. welll, i was thinking about having a party the weekend of the 6th.... maybe you could visit for that! :)

  14. were there any doubts??

  15. were you at average joe's last night?

  16. whaddya doin right now?

  17. what about your duties as a man?

  18. OsuMj

    WHAT are you doing on OR on your birthday... :nono:

  19. OsuMj

    what are you gonna do without garret bossing you around this week?

  20. what are you trying to say? lol

  21. what arrangement?

    I think the water vapor is getting to me. :D

  22. what day is the parade??

  23. what happened to your name?

    1. Disclaimer


      I had Ben change it. Why?

  24. what kind of engineer are you again??

  25. what time are you gonna be here, and what kind of beer do you want? :D

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