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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I would totally be in, but i have a project due at midnight that night - and if for some reason i manage to get it done early, my mom was gonna try to visit me... soooo.... :(

  2. not bad, you've been MIA for a bit.... how have you been?

  3. :D i dont think i have to explain it. isn't it obvious?

    ok, i got nothin.

  4. I made you a sammich, its been on my counter for like 2 weeks. still want it?

  5. I don't have either of those... I'll have to work on that.

  6. portable electronics... including laptops?

  7. I think dweezle had it... maybe we should ask him to post it... hilarious!

  8. not sure... I just moved to a new place, so I'm trying to get my stuff unpacked so my roommate doesn't have to move around the boxes

  9. I can't give you more rep, instead I'll just say "I don't hate you" and you knowing that will be > rep. ;)

  10. ham and provolone.

  11. awww, that's sad. why aren't you at pcb???

  12. sooo, we don't really allow butt crack in sigs and avatars due to NWS content, and while idk if i would consider your sig NWS, its kinda gross.... so who's the plumber? lol.

  13. ugh, i know. I refresh the page every once in a while to keep myself from going crazy reading about spectral emissivity. just sayin. :D

    I hate finals week :( :(

  14. your lease up or you havin issues?

  15. .... ? so i might break it...

  16. he didn't bring me the coffee... :p

  17. so here's a question... what would make you want to put that pic in your sig... hahaha, you seem like an interesting character.

  18. Idk, depends on what time I get outta here. I have a poster presentation for the North American Solid State Chemistry conference... meh. :(

  19. oh i bet you were!!! me too!

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