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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. :) i'm excited.... can't wait to not be a zombie either :-P neeeeed sllleeeeeeeep
  2. :) yeah that is pretty generic, i've seen their signs around. Haven't heard anything about em though. Good luck!! Its always such a pain trying to find a good place near campus....
  3. :) yeah, he sent me a message on facebook! Small world! I figured it was you. So you go to school with him now?
  4. :p I appreciate it. I did find a place that I want to move to, but the lawyer says i can't 'break' the lease without oweing her the money for it :-/
  5. :p naaaah, i dont have the interwebz on my phone. :lol:
  6. :p Ummm... right outsida scott sounds good.
  7. :p yeah. I don't really go home anymore... except for holidays and the occasional weekend visit. Gotta pay the rent, so i just keep working. :) What about you?
  8. :p I didn't even sell the ones i had last week... besides, I had like 3 people from OR say they wanted tickets, so I told them i'd put them in a thread.
  9. ^^ you're right, i fail. ;)

  10. :-/ i hate you. :) jk, that's nice though. On the same note though, If I get a 0% on my final tomorrow, I'll still get a B-.... so it should be ok. :)

  11. :-P one on tuesday one on thursday, project due on wednesday + work. how about you?

  12. ... that sounds about right.... jk. :D

  13. ...? that ok? :p I need to get another charger..... holy cow, you're slow. :D

  14. .... ? so i might break it...

  15. ................................................. :weirdo:

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