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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj

    your avatar creeps me out.

  2. lol... 4, that's excessive. :D I might be with ya there on the "don't want any more" statement. idk, we'll see if I become Dr. Mj or not...

  3. I'll be there whether I can eat or not... it's been 36 hours since a meal has been ok... suck. I just want to eat.

  4. yep... lol... it got interesting :D... I'm at a garage sale right now...

  5. you must have a private profile or something, i don't see you...

  6. I dislike you.

    & I'm calling BS. You can't look everything up on the internet...

  7. I appreciate that. I did the change on my kawi last season, so hopefully it will be easy, but I'll let ya know :D

  8. sooo... I think you should take it easy on the new kid... if i'm not mistaken nobody liked you when you first got here either... he could be like your little brother - you could mentor him into not being a dbag. :lol:

  9. Happy Birthday... late :)

  10. ribs... not pizza... come on!!! :lol: I bet you will add it to your "collection" ;-)

  11. no hand prints, but I think it might bruise... *sigh* my lower back hurts lol

  12. hello! you should consider an Intro thread before people get all riled up... :D

  13. hrm.... I rallied the troops... and you're bailing for a rear stand.... man... :nono:


  14. see, i just gotta get warmed up. :D you're my hero.

  15. I'm in...$10 right? I haven't asked my friends yet....

  16. :lol: does that mean you ARE one, or you HAVE one?? ;)


    ^^^ which one do you think for me? lol

  17. I know, i'm pretty much famous right.... :lol: jk

  18. Howdy! Partay on friday!

  19. mmmmmk... I plan on riding up, unless the weather is bad.

  20. mmmk, my friends said no bc last time they went to one of these fundraisers there wasn't enough pizza and they were served nati..... :eek: anyway, I'm still in.

  21. OsuMj

    yep waiting for the bank to tell me the money is in the account

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