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Everything posted by kev1180

  1. Is it the same era as cod4. Or did they go back to ww1&2.
  2. kev1180

    myspace apps

    so what kind of apps does eveyone like to play on myspace.
  3. just trackday, cause i dont think i could do full on racing.
  4. what all needs to be done to get a person and a bike ready for track racing.
  5. i bet it works like a engine brake on a diesel. opening the exhaust valves a little and letting the air fuel mixture to burn in the exhaust. in return causing the engine to slow. it causes high exhaust temps. it works good on diesels, its called jake brakes.
  6. im in, just waiting on the date. also never raced on track before and would need help on what needs to be done to the bike to be track ready
  7. i'll grant you a million dollars, but you will die two days later. I wish i had a dodge viper.
  8. no, just trying to get laid.
  9. cloning would be great! i'd buy 1 or 2.
  10. put mine in the garage, but it can come out anytime its warm.
  11. i found a pipe test with dyno readouts and the fmf caused a little power loss on bottom but big gains on top. and the pro c pipe gave a little gain on bottom alot in mid and none on top, so my choice is pro c and vforce reeds. any other ideas on power gains.
  12. between the pro and fmf which produces more power or would they be to close to tell. they both look the same shape just different colors.
  13. just bought my little boy a kawi 65(for racing) and was needing some insight on what pipes do the best on a kawi.
  14. i found out it had an aftermarket adjuster and i figured out how to adjust.
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