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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. as if it is new.......:rolleyes:

    Justin pretty much wins all the time.....he has a walking closet of trophies earned at Norwalk.....

    The secret is he is doin it with passion for a long time and his dial in is spot on consistent.....he actually popped my cherry for the quarter mile last year at Norwalk and taught me the hows in the terms of an engineer.....:D

    Go see him sometimes......I will be there after July 31st.....no night riding till.


  2. NOTE: This post is an example, not intended to hurt any feelings, please do not take anything personally....and debate like a debater not stinger.

    I thought I will start a thread to make it clear how the greatest nation on earth through the open arms capitalistic policies sharing the wealth with people immigrating legally from stinking third world.

    How does this happen step by step:

    1. Many of the third world Asian countries as soon as a kid understands language he understands "you don't study, you die, you play video games you die, you watch tv you die, you drink you die, you have sex you die" When in America a Kid is in Chuck e Cheese a kid in China or India doin homework without any creature comfort in the fear of brutal corporal punishment.

    2. Now after school the first tier best ones are looking for colleges in US, the dream country scores a perfect 1600 SAT and 100% in TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language, a mandatory test for non native English speaking student's admission requirement) to get a full ride scholarship into even ivy leagues. All these student come legally in F1 student visa, get permanent residency after college and get citizenship.

    3. The second tier comes for getting a doctorate degree as the universities do not get that many student to get into the programs of hard hard working. The best American student usually choose Professional Degrees to become Engineers, Doctor or Lawyers. This kids come through GRE and TOEFL as well but usually do not speak that well English compared to the first tier. They also become naturalized citizens in the legal way.

    3. The third tier comes with the terminal foreign degree, docs, engineers, they speak with thick accent and come in legally with a H1B work visa, get permanent residency then citizenship. These are the funny Indian Doctors in turban (diaper head, they are Sikh not Muslim :lol:) you see in the Clinic (making 150K or more, with the stinking accent).

    4. Now all these legal immigrants breed and their family runs with the same values as mentioned above and these kids shine in school and as Citizens and pave their way to be in the top income bracket.



    So some after thoughts:

    1. It's almost impossible to be illegally here for the people other than Canada or Mexico as they HAVE to go through a tough immigration check point at the port of entry, so most illegals are here through jumping fences across borders.

    2. This is my personal observation: many third tier immigrants writes OK english, very knowledgable, but speaks english with thick accent and poor communication as well......these category is mocked by the people all the time and befooled........but dude.....they still ride a Mercedes E class and you don't like them but still have to give them that job as you do not find a natural born American for it.

    3. So folks, to compete with this legal third world immigration, you need to set your family values, educate and study/work hard.....

    4. Again on the other end if you work hard why you infiltrate illegal labors across the border to do your job for cheap....

    Isn't it a double edged sword....???

    College too hard.....let the Asians do it.....

    Manual labor is also too hard let the Mexicans do it. :tagteam:

    PS: How the illegal immigration from Asia and Europe Happens:

    This works through nepotism.

    1. Usually for example one fine person arrives legally in the United States, after he becomes a permanent resident or Citizen, he can legally invite people to visit them and they are given tourist visa for six months or a year and after that they never go back.....the majority of these people will be ethnic restaurant workers (boss also the same ethnicity, more nepotism and illegal recruitment), cab drivers etc.

    2. This is one law, I don't understand :rolleyes:. It is called family based green card or permanent residency. So one person after being legally naturalized can apply for his near and distant family (without ZERO English skills) for permanent residency, it takes long 15-20 years but it is a legal law......what the fuck ???? So without any English or education you can legally immigrate to this country based on family based permanent residency. You will find a lot of non-english speaking this kind of people around even in bigger institutes (say OSU labor force, after hour cleaners) and yeah they are legally here through the weired law and many cooks your meal in bigger cities in private households. So you are employing a legal but then they lie, show zero income don't pay tax and get all benefits from the state.....this is shittiest category. You can't do anything to them other than tax evading complain :mad:

    3. I take my word back from before (in another thread) as not always a fine American citizen employs the illegals. A vast majority of this is done by legal or illegal contractors, restaurant owners, cab company owners, who are recent immigrants. They shamelessly employ their own illegal ethnic people, pay them less, under the table, and provide even housing for them and again take their money. This is one tough vicious circle and these people need a solid punt in the cunt as well.

    PS: I have time today :D

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