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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. Malwarebytes is a popular free antispyware now (download.com have it) now....symantec in the safe mode (F8 while booting) should remove the backdoor trojan.....

    My desktop got infected while browsing porn with a bloodhound worm and a some trojans....I had trouble but could remove it by installing a renamed .exe file for malwarebytes......then symantec in safe mode. Had to run it couple of times.

  2. Noooooooooooooooo.........................damn.....

    I met with Jason yesterday at Boneyard Bike Night and he was talking about you and the upcoming ride.......shit.....

    But after all still glad to see that it's OK, without gear could be so much worse. Please heel up fast.

    Thoughts and best wishes. Take care.

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