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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. OK I/We had a blast at the meet......hats off to moose..........he is a master griller and know how to entertain........you rock man....what a show....thanks a ton.....:cheers::cheers::drink::drink:

    We headed back to University Village to see some old friends and started another round of partying.....that party grew bigger with many unknown faces showed up and they licked up the rest of the food we brought back from the ohio riders party.....but I kept Yota's killer pie in a secret place (thanks so much Jonny) and it survived hee hee. We survived all the partying and headed back home Sunday night. Today busy at work and will read/post tonight for sho, huh.....so many drama to catch up with. :D

  2. I'll be there, but I have no idea what to bring. I'm a social idiot and my wife usually handles stuff like this, but she's out of town. If someone could let me know what is needed, I'll bring it. Thanks!

    Bring some Tortilla or your choice chips for the dips.....that would be great:D

    Okay...so who's bringing the TUMS cause I am gonna have some serious gas after eating that!
    I always carry some Zantac and Alkasetzer, those are my drinking aids :drink: and that will work better than tums...you can have em.....am serious.....am just so wasted......:o
  3. OK...Bring big apetite...and reconsider attending the meet ;)

    1. The spicy ground beef is half ready and the Pasta I will do at 7 in the morning, that ain't going in the refrigerator.

    2. Seven layer dip:

    1.Refried beans

    2.Ground beef

    The above two layers are done and setting in the refrigerator.

    The following again will be done in the morning, I don't want to bring brown guacamole and wilted lettuce :D


    4. Sourcream and Creamcheese

    5. Salsa

    6.Mexican Four Cheese

    7.Shredded Lettuce, Olive, Red/Green bell pepper, Scallion

    3. All right the third one was not on the list, I am making a mixed sausage (with the following : polish kielbasa, smoked sausage, chicken buffalo, chicken asiago and garlic, chicken jalapeno and roasted pepper) ....and scalloped potato casserole.

  4. ^^^Vincent van Gogh was another bipolar genius. The symptoms of Schizophrenia and Bipolar and the cause sometimes overlap but Bipolar is more of a defined manic-depressive cycle which usually have a rhythm with some exceptions but in Schizophrenia we do not see a pattern, it's more unpredictable. This is a very very interesting area of neurobiology. Although many genes causing the up or down regulations of many brain chemicals or neurotransmitters are now known but there are so many cases of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) that scientists are still puzzled. In another words they know the causal mechanism ("what is wrong") but they still have no clue about "what went wrong" (single mutations) in the gene which is causing the problem. So no genetic screening is possible to definitely tell whether someone has a disorder or not. Now all the brain chemicals/neurotransmitter level may vary due a lot of things, essentially not pointing towards a disorder. Did any of our great grandpas hear about ADD, ADHD ? No, it took years to make it a disease following a symptom or pattern.....so is the case of Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder....

  5. yah yah...thanks...I heard that but forgot...just used to say that...I called them for a headlamp assembly..they had it and not a bad price...but I got mine fixed...thanks though...just some paint job and then I will catch you guys..

  6. You are more than welcome to go with us. I'm pretty sure I'm going up with one guy on a gixxer and another in a cage.

    We will be leaving Thursday, June 11 in the morning, heading back Sunday the 14th whenever we wake up.

    I'm not sure if I'm camping or getting a room yet, I'll leave it up to anyone that wants to roll together to get their own accommodations. I've been finding some decent prices on hotels, I may go that route.

    Thanks a lot.....I will keep the dates in mind, even if we don't roll together and can always meet you guys up there. I will PM ya when we get close.

  7. Pretty much all the info is already here, I am just summarizing.

    1. You can get an antifog shield, it will work for two three seasons. After that start using the antifog sprays.

    2. You can buy the pinlock shield (30 bucks) which holds the antifog lens insert, it is available in pony and I have that too. I have no problem with antifogging, it works real well but the thing I don't like is there is gap on the top of the shield which is still clear. If you ride in strong sun and suddenly look up through that gap, it will almost blind ya. I don't know whether I want that in a twisty back road on lean. But if you have both clear, your shield and antifog insert.....no issues.

    3.The breathbox is your friend


    Shoei breath guard

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