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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. :rolleyes: Adequate? No. To reach that level of competiton you have to be a good driver, end of story. She didn't make it because she's a girl, she made it because the can run with the best of them. Hell, it was years ago (1999? 2000?) when she beat Tommy Kendall in a spec race (Long Beach Celeb/Pro Race) and she's only gotten better since. Girl or not, she deservers credit for reaching the level of competiton she's at today.



    Thank you....


    Vagina or not, she could beat all of us.

  2. Wow you guys are mean.


    If you don't think Danica Patrick has done wonders for racing, you are nuts. She has brought in more attention to the sport since... well ever. Call it sex appeal, call it skill, whatever... she's bringing in mega money for the Indy Series. And even though I'm sad to see her leave Rahal, if Andretti/Green can give her a better car... then more power to her. God knows she's going to have have a better car to compete with Marco now... he's going to be good.

  3. Hands free is not going to fix the issue at hand. I am a woman that drives a manual car and can talk on the phone all at the same time. It is the simple fact that too many american's are careless! There is also the fact that soooooooooooo many people can't mulit-task. So if someone is talking on the phone (even if it is speaker phone)they won't be able to do a different task.


    i.e. They can concentrate on driving OR talking to someone thru a cell phone.


    I say if someone gets into a wreck while on the cell phone, they should be punished as if a drunk driver would be. The drivers judgement is impaired with a cell phone almost (if not the same amount in some cases) as when a driver is drunk!


    Just my .02




    Amen sister...


    I too drive a manual and have mastered the skill of talking and driving. It's all about multi tasking. If you can't. Get off the road.


    And no, never been in an accident.

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