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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. wow.. thats crazy.. id never do that.
  2. what book? i need something to do for 30 more mins.. then lunch
  3. lol i still didnt get it.. btw thats gross... peanut butter is blah
  4. oh noes! 30! happy birthday!!!! :)
  5. haha i did not.. i was waiting for you or scott to pick up my tab! no such luck...
  6. i'll think about it... but im not buying. im broke. seriously
  7. im starting to think im only a figment of your imagination... im not real. i dont show up
  8. yeah i know... but its ok. i had chipotle yesterday. that makes it all better.
  9. there is nothing wrong with this guy.... i <3 livestrong bracelets!
  10. i ended up going to league last night... i think i might join another team at jordan's deli i didnt drink last night...
  11. GH is fun.. but i have never played RB... the drums would be cool!
  12. hey cant blame me for tryin to get a free lunch....damn... dont hate the playa, hate the game!
  13. sorry... weak moment for me!
  14. lol thanks... now ill go make myself puke in the bathroom...gotta keep that weight down!
  15. omgz this is so fucking good
  16. brb going to chipotle instead....grrr
  17. oh yeah.. alright... ill give ya a call then and see if i feel up to it.
  18. whats the normal place?
  19. lol thanks anthony.... haha im supposed to have league tonight but i really dont want to go...i really dont.
  20. both.... except i cant do lunch. i need to run home. but either chipotle or subway is what im gonna eat... im so fucking hungry.
  21. are you inviting me or what. that is good
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