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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. sciongirl


    im on cnn live... its freezing but the audio is continuing...
  2. i need new tires but i'll probably just pay bills... maybe i'll get that suv i've been wanting. first year for a house ftw!
  3. i hated antropov anyway.... i do like kaberle though. and yeah i know the leafs are rebuilding now, but we are like the yankees.... the league needs us to do well!!! hahahaha
  4. i had center ice when i had TW but now that i have insight, i cant get it no more leafs
  5. aww they are really cute. do they shed a lot?
  6. shot: snake bite (Yukon Jack and lime juice) mixed drink: Captain and Coke cider: Strongbow beer: Miller Lite
  7. thats it? i know they have a lot of different ones in canada called buddies...heineken is yuck
  8. i understand why he would go early... he needs the money, big family, debt, whatever... but for people like announcers in games, coaches.. etc to tell him to go, that it's the right.... he's one year away from getting a college degree and he's going to leave on hopes and dreams? i've seen first hand my friend being an all american o-linemen and get drafted, only to get hurt (come on.. it happens) and then get removed from the redskins. yeah.. he got paid but that money doesnt last very long, even if you save it. esp with beanie already prone to getting hurt again, i dont know how long he can last. is he going to go back to school? probably not... but i just dont think the "norm" should be these kids going early. flame away
  9. Everything is pretty good :) Thanks!
  10. awesome pictures... very beautiful!!!
  11. sciongirl


    i havent been bowling for a while... but it gets good when drinking.
  12. i'd love to move to europe somewhere.... thought about getting a teaching degree and head out
  13. you missed it.. i just took the naked pic down
  14. sciongirl


    love is not real. it's only in movies.
  15. i really hope you are right
  16. ok.. ill tell you a story. i met him on campus and i didnt care for his cocky attitude for people around him so that might have something to do with this but i can't help but pray when he throws! i trust his legs... and i dont want that in a QB! i want that in a RB or a WR... that's all. i think he could be better used as an all around athlete on the team. FOR NOW. who knows what this kid will do later....
  17. my memory of him is right on. i know what he's done this season. i asked what he did against Texas, thanks though im not saying he isnt good, im saying we aren't using him properly.
  18. lol my post made you mistype? i see.... what exactly are you disagreeing with me about? other than the fact that i have a vagina and you don't and i know about football? lets chat. i agree pryor made this season last longer but mostly on some lucky passing and great running ability. he's a god-like athlete, i know this... but everytime he would cock his arm back, i already knew what was going to happen. fail. what were the final completion % of pryor anyway? last i saw he went 5/12?
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