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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. right.. all women are crazy and all men are ______ fill in the blank how many threads are we going to have like this. and yes, be happy you found out before you said "i do"
  2. i'm hopefully getting my winter shoes on tonight. from 18" to 15" rims... i can't wait. not to mention i need new rubber on my summer shoes.
  3. can you give me an escort on 33 in the mornings? that traffic sucks....
  4. i think i did it right... at least someone got some money. thanks!!
  5. lol come on john... bring your car, i wanna sit in it
  6. fine.... lets see how many we can drink before we go back to work
  7. let me know when and where... i can leave from around 11 or so... but need to be back around 1ish. or we can do after work drinks instead. so i can play pool somewhere.
  8. yeah, i have two guns (a 12 gauge shotgun and a .38 special) i love them.. and yes, i've shot them both. i think people were missing my point which im sure is easy to do since i don't e-battle often, but i have no problems with guns. i think everyone should have them... but i think it was Johnny Bravo that said it, when it comes down to it, can you trust your fellow man. everyone has their own intentions but not everyone shares the same beliefs or morals or even EMOTIONS! lol ok i seriously need to work today coz i didn't yesterday. i respect you guys so please don't take my opinions and try to shove them in my ass. kthnxbye
  9. im going home now.. pick on me tomorrow.
  10. i said you need more emotion in your life.... ?
  11. then good for you! im glad you made that desicion... why can't i make mine? i'm not ripping on anyone for carrying! all im saying is... i dont agree with it lol geezus you guys need more EMOTIONS in your life!! k lets just make this even. if you see me getting butt rapped.. please, let him continue. feel better?
  12. refusing to be a victim - i can respect. but ripping my posts up for not having his opinion is being an ass.
  13. lol there you go with being a hard ass... ooo such a tough guy with a gun. anyway, i gave my opinion. if you don't like it, don't read my emotional posts. oh and don't think about my ass... creepy
  14. lol ok.. well i hope if approached, you remember just that. and watch your wrists... i'm sure they will be shaking.
  15. first of all, fuck you. i voted mccain. secondly, don't come off like a hard ass and act like emotions don't play a role in carrying a gun. i never once said it wasn't proven to work. i never said im looking for a hero. i said i wish people would just BE THERE when someone was in need. i see it happen all the time, people not helping others out. and your number 6 and 7 points - useless. no one is trained for an intense situation, where you will need to open fire on another human. i dont care how many hours you sit in some gander mountain training room with joe bob. i believe i do quite well in reality, with my "hopes". i dont need a gun to make me feel safe in public. even if this world is fucked, i'll be happy knowing i didn't contribute to the violence.
  16. i thought that sounded strange lol 12 guys really need to carry you? lol
  17. well maybe i do reply on people being nice... im not a douche. but maybe im too naive and think people are nice. my bad
  18. if justice was served correctly, maybe i'd feel better about it. but too often you see the hero in trouble for defending himself or others... i dont want to be shot but i think i'd rather get shot and hope to live than live 20 yrs in prison for being a hero. is that sad?
  19. lol you dont know what crazy sexless guys will do with a gun in their pants. or do you
  20. do you think most people with a CCW in that kinda situation do that tho? i'd think they'd pull it out.
  21. but it's a good analogy.. coz what if the chick im in a fight with, her bf has a CCW... and whips it out? or even the guy robbing me has a CCW? people aren't born with criminal records, they start somewhere, and what better way to start..now they are given the oppertunity. i feel out numbered lol
  22. that's too far for me at lunch... theres a roosters on hamilton rd tho
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